
Thursday, May 20, 2010


Keeping on asking myself, should I buy a new handphone.  I remember few years back, I will change my phone when its lifespan reaches one year. So does to my current handphone, Sony Ericsson G900.  He will turn one (he? is my G900 a male? Haha!) soon and I've been thinking to buy a new one with bigger screen like Xperia, Aino, Vivaz etc.. (I'm a Sony's fanatic fan!),

When I checked back the pictures album and all the beautiful pictures that he took, it touched my heart.  You have been working for me for nearly a year, giving me the best quality pictures I've never expected from a descent phone.  Yes, I bought him for RM890.00 at OneTJ.

 Brownies with hazelnut.  OMG.  Drool.  Love the chocolaty sauce.

 My watermelon juice.  The glass is tall and stylish but not the quantity, This big fellow actually needs a gallon. Haha!
Lovely carrot cake.  I still want to chuckle everytime I look at this cake, it reminds me of the so 'clever' waiter who kept on claiming that this is a 'White Brownie'.  Whatever, this cake is delicious!

No.  I just keep my intention for the time being.  I still love 'him'.  Recently something so cute caught my mind.  I want one!  I want one!! Hehe.                                                                     

With Love,

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