
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The kids ….

So I haven’t posted many pictures of the kids lately and I think they are overdue for the blog Spotlight!

Isabelle is 8 months old and is just about the easiest baby ever, ironically this weekend we woke up about 2am crying and I was totally shocked. See this sweet baby has let her mommy sleep through the night for the last 5 months, and when I say sleep, I mean sleep! She goes down at 7pm and gets up at 7am! I don’t know what I did but I thank my lucky stars everyday for having such a happy easy baby. Izzy is now eating table food on occasion and is slowly showing signs of wanting to use her Sippy cup, part o f me thinks all of that is wonderful but another part of me keeps screaming in my head slow down!

Lauren is my big Second grader and she matures more and more each day. She is starting to come into her own and I am so proud of the young lady she is becoming. She loves to sing and dance and I think if she had her way she would never talk and only sing. Who know I just might have the next American idol on my hands. She enjoys playing soccer and is still waiting to get that elusive goal this season!

Jackson is my little man! I always thought having a boy would be hard but really, it’s just plain fun and some of the things he comes up with just really crack me up. For instance, when telling a story that he thinks you might think is a little outlandish he says, “no, really I am serious” and he gives you the big serious eyes. Just recently, when I corrected him about something he said “Oh I stand correct” what 5 year old says these things.

So there is the Whalen children update :)

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