
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Preaching the Gospel...A Hate Crime?

It seems that we are rapidly becoming a society in which it is fine to believe in any religion you long as it's not Christianity (Matt 24:8-9 caution, not a seeker-friendly, tolerant nor inclusive passage!). This is just a very small taste of what is to come. This was posted at Al Mohler's blog this morning:

We have seen this coming for some time now. The public space has been closing, especially when it comes to Christian speech — and especially when that speech is about homosexuality.

Now, a Christian preacher has been arrested in Britain for the crime of saying in public that homosexuality is a sin. This arrest is more than a news event — it is a signal of things to come and an announcement of a new public reality. Even if all charges are dropped against this preacher, the signal is sent and the message is clear. The act of Christian preaching is now a potential criminal offense.

You can read the entire article here.

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