
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"Things just aren't meant to be this way!"....Or are they?

This from the Blazing Center today:

Have you ever wondered why you have to go through the things you’re going through? Why you have the husband, wife, child, boss, or neighbor you have? Why you must battle the trials or temptations you face?

“God is not only all-knowing but also all-wise. This means he always chooses the best possible goals and the best possible means to meet those goals.” — Wayne Grudem

God’s goals are the best possible: Conformity to Christ and eternal fellowship with him. Can you think of any better?

Can you think you can think of a better way for God to make you like Christ than the way he’s doing it? The all-wise God always chooses the very best tools for the job. He has no detours, no plan B.

So no matter what we’re enduring we can praise him for his wisdom and goodness in our lives.

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