
Monday, May 31, 2010


Hubby and I went out to pick up our Kek Lapis ordered thru a friend and we met up just nearby the famous Wisma Hopoh. After that we tried to look for a good spot to have our lunch and ended up at Sekama. Oh, did I tell you that I was trying to skip rice and replace rice with noodles and other goodies? Well, I took that day as my escape day and we chose to eat Chicken Rice! Yayyy! So here we are at Uncle Lim’s Chicken Rice.

It is actually one of the stalls that operated by Uncle Lim’s Café. Serves basic meat for Chicken Rice dish like Char Sio Bak, Steamed Chicken, BBQ Chicken and they serve Chicken Curry Rice too!

We ordered everything, all type of meat plus a bowl of Chicken Curry and it comes with a complimentary Chicken Soup. That hot afternoon, I washed down everything with a can of Coke.

I definitely would like to recommend this shop because the premise is clean and the price is reasonable too.

With Love,

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