
Sunday, May 2, 2010


Salam 1 Malaysia!!

Hehe, I'm back with another event stories. Last week we had another busking performance at Kuching Waterfront and this time it was for Etiqa-Takaful. We were requested to perform for two days together with Karen and Errol. Day one was OK, fun and everyone seemed entertained even us the performers we loved the crowd and so did the crowd to us. Very chilling, Kuching peeps rock!

Uncle Banana the clown made these balloons for Karen and me. *so childish* Haha. Hey, he twisted balloons for everyone and I popped one of them when I was trying to twist [showing off my skills] haha. lol

This is Khairul withUncle Banana the clown. Free ice creams for everyone even though it was raining heavily, the ice creams were down too. Brrrr!! Oh yes, not only ice creams, the crowd may get free henna tattoo, balloons and also magic performance by three young magicians, Harvill, Iki and Edarius.

2nd day of busking. It was raining, heavily!! The day was so gloomy and wet and as you can see here we were waiting for the rain to stop. Thanks to James Brooke Bistro for letting us chilling the place and we also performed there at the table. Free show!

I love this pic. Iki, Khairul and I pose in the drizzling rain but still we look so happy and glowing [with face oil], ain't us? Look at Iki's hair, ahaha..! Yes, we still continued the show despite the unwelcoming weather.

OK Iki, stop goofing around. It's time to do some magic tricks. This guy I tell you, he's very hyperactive and has a very warm personality, you're gonna love him if you meet him straight away!

The performance was actually delayed from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. prior to the heavy downpour but it never stopped us to give the best. To Kuching people who watched our performance that day, we thank you guys for being so supportive!

With Love,

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