
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Do you suffer from allergies? Maybe Claritin can help

Check out this from my BzzAgent files on Claritin:

Facts about allergies

Found On

• Shorthaired “hypoallergenic” pets can cause allergies — it’s a protein in the animal’s saliva or urine that people are allergic to, not the hair

• Peak pollen hours are in the early morning — it’s usually best to stay indoors when pollen count, wind or humidity is high

• You probably won’t pass on all of your allergies to your kids — a child’s chances of developing allergies are about 50% if one has them, and 75% if both parents have allergies

Managing allergies

Looking for ways to help manage your kid’s allergies?

• Leave sneakers and sports equipment in the garage or mud room
• When coming in from playing, put clothes right in the hamper
• Use an air purifier with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter
• Vacuum weekly to help control dust mites

Visit to learn more and get all of the tips!

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