
Monday, November 23, 2009


The 40th day, finally came. So did the mourning period, has come to an end. As usual, Mom's sisters and in-laws were around to give their hands, semangat gotong-royong adalah budaya kita, right?

Alas! The guys were busy installing the roof as extension to the car porch. And not forgetting, they were soaking wet! It was raining heavily during this time. Grabbed my hp and captured this moment.

Dad's sisters. From left, Aunt Nancy, Anne, Magdalini, Monica and Rosita.

Well, mostly we had basic things done and accomplished. The food was more than enough for everyone, thanks for your supports in attendance and prayers. *missing you so much, Dad.

The following night, went to Stapok for another occasion. We arrived quite late in the drizzling rain.

Well, the best thing about being a latecomer, you have chance to sit outside, facing the banquet table. (",) tsk...tak..

.... and freely talking to strangers without 'shhhh' sound warning you to shut up! There you can see my brother with my uncle. The rest? I dunno them. :p

I'm very sorry readers, pardon me for being so quite lately. We are reaching the end of 2009 and I have piles of things to settle down first. Will keep it up to you guys! *kisses

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