
Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving Thoughts

This week we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the states. I realize in Canada this holiday is celebrated in October and that probably makes more sense. In any event, Thanksgiving here has become the recognized start of the Christmas season. But that's another story.

But as declared by President Lincoln back in 1863 -- and during our Civil War -- the last Thursday of November was decreed to be a day for which Americans were allowed to give thanks for their many blessings.

Apparently the first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621 when the Pilgrims sat down with the Wampanoag Indians to share a meal and to give thanks for having survived a year at Jamestown. (My dog, Bailey, thinks the dog in this famous picture is one of his ancestors!)

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It is not commercialized as there are no presents or cards. It is a quiet holiday. It is a time for families and friends to gather together and share a meal.

This year Bailey will be doing the cooking. He promised me he would do much better than last year (we are still cleaning up that mess! Heh!!!)

So on behalf of Bailey and me .....

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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