
Sunday, November 8, 2009


Mama's angel has turned 9 on last Saturday!

We're still in mourning mode so decided to have a descent celebration. To my girl, Mama & Papa love you so much. Happy Birthday sayang, semoga sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki, panjang umur dan bijaksana selalu.

It's your birthday, but we got the gift...
a gentle, sweet, beautiful daughter
who is always a pleasure to be with.
You glow with sensitivity and compassion
generated from the depths
of your warm heart and and kind soul.
A loving mom, a peacemaker,
a woman full of the joy of life,
that's you.
Anyone who spends time with you
is privileged to know
such an extraordinary person.
You are a great joy in our lives.
We love you and cherish you and treasure you
and wish that every one of your birthdays
will be the happiest yet.

Note: Oh ya! Happy Birthday to my dearest blogger buddy, John who celebrated his big thirty one on the exact, same day with Gabby. Wishing you best health and wealth John! *hugs.

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