
Saturday, November 28, 2009


Hey ya!

Took this opportunity to reach your hearts out there. Uh, this is my passion but I can't succumbed to the fact that I am super busy lately. So, bilakah impian untuk menjadi blogger yang berjaya akan tercapai? HaHaHa.. blogger yang berjaya katanya walhal blog sendiri mempunyai isipadu yang sangat membosankan dan jarang-jarang diupdate ek eleh... Demand sangat kann??


There was this guy sunbathing in the nude at the beach.
Well, this little girl comes up to him, so he covers his private parts with a newspaper.

The little girl says, 'What's under there?' The man answers, 'A bird.'

The girl goes away and the man falls asleep.

When he wakes up, he is in a hospital and in great pain.
A doctor comes up to his bed and asks, 'What happened?'
The man answers, 'I don't know.
I was at the beach and I fell asleep after talking to a little girl.'

So the doctor tells this to the Police, and they go to the beach to find any witnesses.

When they get there, they see the little girl the man was talking about.
So they ask her if she did anything to the man.

She answers, ' I didn't do anything to the man, but while he was sleeping, I played with his bird.

After a while, it spit at me, so I broke its neck, burned its nest, and smashed all its eggs!'

Ya.ya.. I know, I know it's kinda lucah tapi I like to share what I possess, even tho' it is extracted from email. Thanks to Jar Jar the Binks. I love all your emails, my friend.

One more news, my brother, Rodriguez (",) will be reporting duty at St. Luke, Sri Aman on Tuesday. It's the church, not the school OK? So, please support his efforts to serve and spread the words of God to the people of Sri Aman. Amen +

Till then, toodles!

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