
Tuesday, November 17, 2009


One night, I was folding a basketful of laundry and watching 'My Best Friend's Girl' at my lappy when Gabby suddenly pointed at one scene where Kate Hudson and Dane Cook, naked but covered, smooching on the bed so she said,

Gabby: Ewww.... I don't like that.

Me: Don't like what? (Pretending).

Gabby: For not putting on shirt, I will get tummy ache while sleeping.
Masuk angin.

Me: Hahahaha!!!

5 minutes later ... While flipping thru my 'Malaysians Women Weekly Magazine', she suddenly popped me with this statement.

Gabby: Mama, do you know your April's magazine? At downstairs?

Me: Aha, why?

Gabby: Well, you don't read it anymore do you? I read the cover, the topic so boring.

Me: What did it say?

Gabby: Hmm.. it said, "WHY WOMEN REFUSE TO HAVE SEX"!!

Me: WhOOOAAAttt?????!!! *+_+

Well, be ready if your kiddos asking you funny questions. When you have no ideas to answer, please distract them and focus on something else. Hahahah!

Gabby's Mommy,

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