
Thursday, November 19, 2009


Dang! Wrap up for the week. Mau crita apa ya? OK. Damn. Dunia makin berubah since makcik menjajah tanah jajahan kami. Cheh. Rasa royalty gittteew. Secondly, this weekend would be quite a havoc for us, beginning tonight.

Since Pak Engku left, office terasa sunyi but it's OK. Sometimes I feel his presence in the office and whenever I think about him, I would think about my dad. I miss dad's phone calls. How I wish that I didn't delete all his SMS and keep it instead. Luckily, I have my baby lappy with me, so it's movie time while working. Don't you get it? PC monitor before me and my mini Acer will be on my right hand side. Kinda distracting but heck, at least it prevents my face from bumming on my keyboard.

Tomorrow night. 40th days of daddy's passes. There will be prayer and dinner held tomorrow night at my mom's place, so Miss Coki will be rocking the kitchen, again! OK people, I'm shuddering in the coldness as now it's raining heavily outside. Brrrr!! Been thinking of what to do tonite and tomorrow. Won't be sleeping at Mom's place as usual, there's no place for me to sleep when my aunt comes together with all her kids. Hey, I need space to take bath and getting dressed. +_+

OK. Time's up. Queen will be coming at any time soon. Till then, muahhss everyone!

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