
Friday, November 27, 2009

TV Memories

In 1953 my father brought home a TV. I have a feeling he did not ask my mother first. Years later he told me that he had a good crop that year, so he and his landlord each bought a TV.

Everyone's lives changed with TV. One of my favorite shows was Sky King. The idea of a cowboy who rode horses AND flew an airplane was exciting.

In the mid 196Os he bought a color TV -- again, from the local hardware store. In small rural towns, the hardware store was the only place you could buy a TV.

Watching programs in color was incredible. We had a hard time imagining it could ever get better than that. Of course not all shows were in color, but if you saw this NBC peacock, you knew the following program would be presented in "living color."

In the early 1970s, the first color TV was replaced with a bigger console model. I remember my father thinking All in the Family was scandalous and did not like us to watch that awful show!

Some time after I left home he got a TV with a remote control. But the TV was still a big console model.

Today we have high definition LCD TVs. I think it can't get better than this!

But I suppose TV will get better in the years to come. It is all quite amazing to me. Yet to be honest, watching Sky King in black and white was pretty exciting, too. The innocence and simplicity of it all was quite attractive. Back in those days HD stood for "high drama."

Thanks for stopping by.

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