
Tuesday, November 3, 2009


OK. Frankly speaking kan, this is our first time involved in buying flowers and dedicated it to our loved ones yang sudah pergi. I memang tak penah sekalipun membeli bunga-bungaan ini tetapi seperti yang sekalian pembaca sudah maklum, I just recently lost someone yang sangat rapat, sanjung, hormati dan kasihi. And my Mom, who is still takde mood nak keluar rumah (poor my Mom) so she gave me some cash to buy flowers. All Souls Day ni adalah untuk mengingati mereka yang telah terlebih dahulu meninggalkan kita struggling with our lives di dunia ini.

Mom is arranging flowers in the potty, eh? pot filled with water. Murs² bunganya, RM1.80 setangkai. Oh yes, Gabby also picked Carnations for her 'Aki'.

This one, murs² also, RM15.00 sajork, cantikkan? OK Daddy, this is for you from me and hubby. Hope you love 'em all!

Ini kategori bunga Valentine's Day dah! From my beloved aunty Anne, my Dad's sister. Lawan tokey nampakkk???? Lol. +_+

We arrived at the solemn graveyard after 3:30 p.m.

Now, everyone is taking out the candles and light them up!

My aunt Anne in white shirt.

Mom checking all the candles whether they are all lit.

My cousins, Tiara, Azri and Alias.

When everything was ready, my brother, Rodriguez led the prayers for Dad. We spent some times there before heading back home and last night, we attended All Souls Day punya mass which supposed to be solemnly sad tapi disebabkan kesilapan teknikal dan vokal, Miss Coki nyaris terkentut dek menahan gelak. Perut pulak rasa nak meletop dek menahan gelak pontianak ku. So, please donk....

St. Francis Church, Kota Samarahan, please do something to your Choir group. The reason why I am saying this, I heard no choir singing like angels but a group of buzzing bees tengah berterbangan dan disahut oleh bunyi serigala jadian.

What would happen if tiba-tiba kedengaran bunyi letupan kentut tersasar pada skala 8.5 richter bergema di barisan depan malam tadi???

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