
Monday, September 15, 2008


Monday. The less favourable day of the week. It's pricking and poking my head and body all over.

Boss is going to KL tomorrow, he made me run all around like Charlie Chaplin's dumb movie.  First, doing the usual stuff, then the contractor came to put up the new notice board, then rushed to the bank, then late lunch.. by 3 p.m. still survived then worked some more till saved by the bell at 5 p.m.  Pheewwww....!!

Enuff for office story.  I'm tired.

Last Saturday, went to my gorgeous niece, Sayra Mae's birthday.  It was kinda heartwarming to be with my family, big family once again.  Of course, some pictures for remembrance.  COME, LET US MEET THE PEOPLE:

The birthday girl.  Isn't she a cutie pie?
Gabby, the most excited guest of the night, I guess..

 My Gabriella Conchita....

Meet my lovely cousin, Venitia Samuel.  She is the host for tonite and she is Sayra's mommy. Compare the size, Gabby definitely overshadow  her aunty.

Darling hubby and Uncle Bernard.  Spontaneous reaction from the wine and Singha beers.  I hope.. I hope..
Everyone!  Smiless!!  :D


 Had late lunch earlier on.  Just took these to top up the empty space in my colon.  :p.  Egg Sandwich and Kailan with Mushroom and Salted fish.
The drinks.  Wine and soda.  I bet you can't different which one!?  Give you a clue:  Soda tastes nicer.... ehehehe...

Anyway, I enjoyed myself that night, plus I brought back the balloons from the place that resemble male genital part.  Nice deco there Veni!! LOL. 

Okie dokie.  That's all my weekend stories.  Time to hibernate for; let say, 4 hours hehehe... Gotta wake up early tomorrow morning, I hope.. I hope...


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