
Tuesday, September 2, 2008


This is neither a half-way built toilet nor a Deity's altar but this is our Iban's style kitchen, done by the non-skilled-unpaid-labour my FIL.  The reason to have this is because we love to 'pansoh' (dishes cooked in bamboo) and we can use this kitchen to cook rice by using the rice pot and barbecuing at the same time.  The similar kitchen can be easily found at the Iban's longhouse even though most of the longhouses nowadays are using the gas stove to cook.

My FIL is a retired teacher.  He built this 'dapur' to kill his free time.  The view of this 'dapur' is quite a killer.  Don't you think so?

This kitchen was officially declared by us last Merdeka Day.

Do not laugh.  I repeat.  Do not laugh because you don't know yet the final production of this small booth-like with a nicely cut, blue water gallon with a tortoise named 'Gedup' down there... yes, Gedup is my pet tortoise.  He's a shy-shy torty-boy.

My digital camera was running out of battery so at this moment, my 2MP camera phone took charge of every picture snapping.  Ignore the blurry picture, my hands were shaking because I was too hungry and drooled when I snapped this!!  The wings on the pit.


The starter.  East-Meet-West Potato Salad with mayo, hard-boiled eggs and raisins.  Oh yes, sprinkles of Rosemary and Black Pepper to enrich the taste..

My palate of barbecue meats and wings with potato salad and a dollop of Thai Chilli Sauce.


HAPPY MERDEKA, MALAYSIA and Happy Drooling Readers!  *wink.


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