
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Where Do We Go From Here?

Well, we've finished 1 Cor 14 and this brings the "30 Day Challenge" to an end, albeit somewhat early.. It would be great of we could share some experiences some of you have had in looking at the Scriptures this closely for this period of time. You're welcome to email me or to leave a comment. To comment, all you have to do is click on the "comments" link below and write your comment out.

Here are some interesting questions you can consider:
  • Was the teaching what you expected after reading the passage?
  • What insights did you get from the repeated readings?
  • Did you have the opportunity to use the verses at any time?
  • Will this affect your Bible reading in the future?
So, what do we do with what we've learned? Wouldn't it be great if we could do this together regularly? I'd like to send out the passage I'll be speaking on the Monday before I speak. That would give us all a chance to get familiar with it before we come together on Sunday morning. It would also give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to use the Word in our lives while we prepare to hear a teaching on it. I believe it will also make the teaching more meaningful.

Let me know what you think. I'll be preaching on 1 Cor 15:1-11 in two weeks.

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