
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Minneapolis - Our Arrival At the Desiring God 2008 Conference.

We got to Minneapolis around 7:30 PM after a relatively short (2 hour) layover in Chicago. We picked up our rental car (got a free upgrade to a very nice Hyundai Sonata) and motored into the downtown area after stopping at a Burger King for a quick dinner.
We're staying at the Marriott about 7 blocks from the Minneapolis Convention Center. It looks like we'll be able to walk there each day for the Conference which starts tomorrow.

When we got to the hotel, we were blessed, yet again, by a free room upgrade. We're on the 29th floor of the hotel in a King Room with Concierge privileges (read, "free breakfast and late night snacks"). God is so good to us! Here's some pics of our room:

Here's our view!

I think God's just getting us ready for an even greater blessing over the next 3 days! Of course, I'll be taking my camera to the conference and I'll provide plenty of pictures and a summary of each speaker here each day.

Pray for us.....we're praying for you.

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