
Sunday, July 20, 2008


Hi all!
Just came back to the office with sores all over my body and not forgetting, tanned skin. Yeah, me lurve this way compared to reddish sunburned as always.
Early Saturday's morning, everyone gathered at hubby's office as early as 7:00 a.m. to get ready to go on a big convoy led by the M.D. to Sematan.  I didn't know that hubby was the Trip Leader and  yet, we were late like 20 minutes, OMG!!  Mat and his family was the last to arrive.  We drove there in a moderate speed and 1 & 1/2 hour later, we arrived at Holiday Chalet, Sematan.  Got the house key from Bernard and everyone was like crazy to find that the detached house was all OK and comfy, ready to be resided!

Our chateau chalet looks like this, tiny but tidy.  Mighty small but complete with basic amenities and utilities like aircond, kitchen, fridge, hot shower, TV, cemented stools and table for sitting and also BBQ pit.  What more do you want? If you want more, just go to the spa, this place is specially for adventures lovers, OK?                                                                                                                          

Morning briefing and welcoming speech by hubby as the Trip Leader.  After his speech, packets of Nasi Lemak for breakfast were divided among us.  Thanks Boss for the nice breakfast!

After breakfast we had a look around the surrounding area. Gabby enjoyed every facilities that being provided here.  Including the mini slide..... Wheeeeeee.............!!!!!
and the swimming pool..  Splasshh!!
My baby Hippo.

We had lunch by 12:00 noon.  Lunch time, it was in, pot luck style.  Everyone came with their own signature dishes.  I served Sambal Tumis Ikan Bilis.  Well, as predicted, Gabby only had some fried chicken.
Besides my Sambal Tumis, we had Tom Yam soup, Mango Salad (Sambal Ulam Mangga), Fried Chicken and Fish Fillets, Lemang, Pastry Puffs, Macaroni with Cornbeef and lot more!

Right after the scrumptious lunch, everyone went back to the chalet and unpacked.  This is our room, while the other room is shared by David and Amly.  Can you see my baby Pooh's pillow?  I can't sleep without him.  He travels with me, really. *wink
The most excited person to see the kitchen, of course, yours truly.

Maggi with egg, coming right up!

No worries with the picture.  It's just a spontaneous excitement.  I had chance later to cook Maggi and egg for Gabby.  Big size Chef with little wok.  Savvy.  Haha!!
Later.... after 2:00 p.m.  The real excitement began.

Let us begin with my girl. Gabby and her team won the Ping Pong Ball race!!  Yayyy!!

Please meet my new friend, Amly, who came later with her hubby, David.  She joined the Balloon Blowing competition.  Look at her curly hair, I call her Diana Ross (nice hair!!!).  Anyway she won herself 2nd place and so did David. (Am, your fingernails really didn't work it out, LOL).

Marcus and cousin Marvin didn't make it during "Tied-Feet" contest but we won the Tug of War battle in Men & Women category respectively.  Two members already downed but the anchor still tugging on.  That's the spirit!

Victorious ladies with their so-called Manager.  The secrets of winning?  (Lifting toddlers, shopping bags, pots and pans, scrubbing, scouring, sweeping, cleaning etc).  Exercises.  Lame. **lmao
Cousin Marvin is cleaning himself here.  Boss is seen here with water gun in his hand, acting as he is threatening them, to get them to clean their bodies before entering their chalets, perhaps?
PART II - More excitements to come... to be continued and stay tuned!


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