
Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Some friends confront me via YM, why did I put my YM's status as:  "I hate Insurance agent" or " aku bencik orang jual Insurans!!"

Do you remember still, my earlier entry post about annoying telemarketer who tried to get me to purchase the insurance?  That was case No. 1.

Now we move to case No. 2.  I'm actually a person who is hard to say NO to people especially when I have befriended them.  But, to tell the truth, please don't take advantage on my kindness, (i.e.  Keep on pushing and persuading me to do something..) as when I'm not in a good mood, I tend to think out of the box and act devilishly.  This letter reveals all.

Case no. 3  happened a couple of weeks ago.

I was greeted by a young man, clad in a light pinkish collared shirt with a 'MAKNA' (Majlis Kanser National) or National Cancer Council logo who was trying to persuade me to contribute some donation for MAKNA, helping the young children suffering from cancer.  I entertained him professionally, until at one point, he asked me about credit card that I'm using currently.  I said why and he told me that I can donate via my credit card, i.e. Direct Debit Donation.


OK.  That's it.  So I inhaled deeply before saying this, "I'm sorry that I have to turn you down.  You came to the wrong place.  We're in-charge of these patients including the daycare and drugs."

"But ma'am.." he interrupted.  " The money given by government is not enough.  We need more to buy toys and books for them.  Some more the money would help to release their burdens especially when it comes to schooling and eating".  I laughed at him.  Sorry dude.  Your time is up.  There is no introduction cum permission letter to ask for my consent or to do collection in our department, as we have to it officially.  He left.  I grabbed the phone and called up our operator to inform her to forbid any kind of salesman selling credit cards, insurance and now, collecting donation.

2 weeks later..., 3 youths came again with MAKNA T-shirt to my office asking for boss.  Luckily my own boss wasn't in.  They showed me the brochures which I refused to see and told them that I met one of their friends and I've turned him down last week.  They seemed so determine and not giving up that easily.  They asked me whether I have account with RHB.  RHB?? No.  I said.  Maybank?? Nope.  So they asked me again.  What account do you use for your salary?  BSN.  That short abbreviation shut them up.   You guys know how old fashion the BSN is.  Sorry BSN staff, I'm telling the bitter truth here.

I referred them to my 2nd boss.  She demanded letter from them, too.  See?  Can you see how things work here?  One of the boys, named 'Royston Loh' left his HP number to my boss.  My boss kept the brochure and she instructed me to call MAKNA's office to get the letter of introduction.  I called up our telephone operator, why she permit them to come to my room, she told me that those liars said they have set an appointment to see my boss.  Bullshit.

... until the moment I narrate this story to you...                                      the voice answering machine keeps on saying..."The number you have dialled is not available".

Enough said.  You know what would happened if I surrendered my credit card numbers to them.  Suckers!!

Moral of my stories, sometimes you have to be radical, yet critical in making decision.  It's either making your life better or worsen, it's up to your wiseful decision.  You will bear the consequences apart of the wrongly steps that being  taken eventually.  I am not telling you guys MAKNA is a fraud.  I'm afraid that some responsible people out there are taking advantage on them.

To learn more about them please visit their WEBSITE.


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