
Thursday, July 10, 2008

OH MY GOAT!! - IBRAHIM ALI - funnily moronization*dumb

Tongkat Ali. (Eurycoma longifolia)

Watched the Bulletin Utama after having our dinner....

Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim had members of the Dewan Rakyat in stitches today when she told the House of male goats being fed with "tongkat ali", honey and chicken eggs to turn them into studs. She said each stud could "service" 80 does every breeding season and that they were crucial in determining the success of any goat breeding project.  I couldn't help to laugh at this point.  Crazy topic.

Rohani was responding to a supplementary question from Datuk Ibrahim Ali (Independent- Pasir Mas) who wanted to know the progress of goat breeding projects carried out by the ministry.  She said the studs were expensive as they served as the "starter" or "hero" for the animal breeding project.

"After a stud has 'serviced' 80 does, it will be left to rest for a week during which it will be fed with tongkat ali, chicken and honey before it is brought out again to carry on with its task," she added.  Servicing 80 female goats and after that, rejuvenating itself with Tongkat Ali, Chicken and Honey??? Hahahahha...

Rohani also told the House that they (studs) were also lent or leased to other goat breeding farms, adding that it was for this reason that the ministry was mulling starting a stud farm for the purpose of goat breeding.

The Dewan Speaker interrupted as he corrected Datuk Rohani Karim, "80 female goats.....OK?" and she chuckled.  Biattchhh.... I can't help to scream hilariously as you know what he was trying to tell, relating to current issues of DSAI sodomy case. "Paloi..tatau kini bejako utai bekenya... sigi minta pangka kilat sida tu kini..."

My week so far is hecticly busy.  Boss will be away from Sunday to Tuesday, so I have to clear my in-tray.  Nevertheless, preparations for 2nd boss' farewell. 

Meeting room booked, check. 

Catering, check. 

Collection money, check. 

Invitation sent out, check.

So this weekend, I will find gift and not forgetting, will book also a nice, very-very nice cake for her.  Seriously no mood at all to chit-chat with hubby, he knew I was tired in my head yesterday.  So he bought something to cheer up my mood....

Thanks chub.  But I still need more!!  MOrE!!! MoRe mi amore!!!!!! LOL

**  Finger lickin' gewwdddd... Have a nice weekend guys.  I'll be receiving some VIPs tomorrow... will tell you about it, so stay tuned!


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