
Monday, July 28, 2008


Woke up at 6:30 a.m. and took turn to take hot shower. Rushed to put on our best look and checked out the Inn. Had our 'Mi Rangkai' (Mi Kering or Dried Kolok Mee) for breakkie. It's about time to leave the Sri Aman town.

Bye-bye Sri Aman town! 

Gone through the chilly morning up to Undop area, we visited KK Batu Lintang.


This clinic located on a hilly area. was built on a gorgeous landscape and I'd kill to work in the surrounding area that look like this!


The range beneath the foggy hill..... It's actually nearby Sarawak-Kalimantan's border.

Anyway, you should see the old school 3-lot shops.  Check this out!

Isn't it cool to see something like this?  I guess the age of these shops are not less than 40 years!

Next destination?  Engkelili.  Yes, I've never been here before, too.  I was expecting the Engkelili town small and isolated like Batu Lintang.

Engkelili's clinic is small, as small as Muara Tuang's clinic in the 80's but the town, I guess is more happening than Lubok Antu.  Whilst hubby was meeting up the nurses in the clinic, I took my chance to have a look around the clinic area.  Not bad.  Then we dropped by at an old coffee shop named, 'Untong Cafe' =_=* to replenish our drinking stocks (mineral water gulp-gulp!!).  Luckily it was payday so everything was on my treat! We parked our car opposite one canopy selling bags, tonnes of bags!! And when I took a glimpse my eyes laid on the dark brown document bag.

I ran out to ask the seller how much is the bag.  RM39.00 he said.  RM30?? I tried to bargain.  No.  RM35.00.  Deal.  RM35.00 and the bag is mine. Yayy!!

The journey continued..... *munch munch and gulp gulp more..then krooohhhhh zzzzzz....

When I woke up, we just arrived at ....

Betong Hospital!!!!!!!!! Gosh, didn't I mention to you that I saw something by the roadside, looking so freshly pink and cute, munching something?  Did not right?  Well, it was Miss Piggy!!  I forgot to snap the image.  But it was hillarious!!

I stole the chance to look bitch around the hospital.  Dr. Arvin was busy with patients and so did Dr. Calvin Singh.  Went to the OPD but couldn't find Sr. Hayati and SMA Sarpani.  Sr. Hayati was attending a course in Kuching and perhaps SMA Sarpani was busy with patients inside the treatment room.  I let hubby met some senior nurses there and I made myself busy looking at the organisational chart.  Cool.  What a nice hospital that Betong has.

Moving on, another place to go.....

a yellow-grey blowfish jumped waved to us and said, Welcome to Spaoh!!  Oh yeahhh!!

Another excitement to experience, my first time visit to Spaoh and behold the clinic....

Mr. Hubby acting macho while ascending the wooden staircase.  Yippie!!
Then we continued our journey to another junction, another road leading us to...

Pusa's clinic!!  Sorry, didn't manage to capture nearer, as I fell asleep, soundlyy..zzzzzzzz! Hik hIk.. When I opened up my eyes, we were at the exit already.  *Sigh.

We finally arrived at Saratok district but the time was already 1:00 p.m.  It's lunch time and most of the hospital staff went out for their lunchies!

Simple but yummy. Had drinks with my uncle who happens to be one of the hospital staff.  We had chit chat till 1:45 p.m. came, it's time to roam the hospital instead.

What a hot day it was!  Gulp gulp bottles of plain water to prevent myself from getting sick dehydrated.  Fun.

Oh yes, we had still got time.  Gotta reach Sarikei before 3:00 p.m.  Finally....

Yippie!!!  Sarikei here we come!!

... the journey adventures continued..


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