
Sunday, July 13, 2008


13 is bad.

I catch cold with minor coughing slightly when calendar flipped to 13th July.  I bet it, somehow you could be superstitious as I am, and agree with me at the same time..oh how bad my weekend was?

I didn't manage to see the Very Important Persons, 5 of them and especially 3 of them are my Forum Cari friends.  They all came from Sabah and Kuala Lumpur to witness the WRMF and of course some shoppings!  They do have great time especially Pau who spent 'wisely' at one the boutiques at Jalan Tun Jugah, she SMSed me and telling me that most of garments are much cheaper than in KK.  Cool.

I was OK yesterday, went to Boulevard to window shop, saw the Olympic's exhibition, standing like a 'Sakai' to see the replica of Tunku Abdul Rahman, had my ritual feast at KFC then went to King Centre to buy some groceries and toys for Gabby.....,in fact, I have started to feel the chill and my nose has sniffed few snorts.  I just ignored them as we drove home.  My condition was getting worse at night time... I hardly put my eyes widely opened and I doze off earlier, unlike my usual Saturday night which always last till 4 in the morning.

Got up at 9:00 a.m. and my lovely hubby made some Curry Maggi.  He then took me out to buy 'Cap Ibu dan Anak' candies, with a bottle of herbal tea and a couple of slices of Honey Dew.  Not forgetting some ice-cream as he informed me earlier, he could see my swelling tonsils.  Here I go again, tonsils come and go but now I know how to battle with them - by eating ice-cream!

Finished up gulping the herbal tea and my chilled honey dew slices, I had chicken soup for lunch then I slept till 6:30 p.m.!!!!  I felt lighter and fresher after my long afternoon nap.  It is a sign that my heavyweight body needs more rest.  Yeah, I can count that I sleep not more than 5 hours everyday, true.  It is worst during the weekend, I will come to bed only after 3 in the morning.  (I always fall asleep in the office, especially after heavy lunch and sometimes I would steal some times to sleep in the toilet too!  How lame!!) It's not that I'm insomniac, but I'm a freaky computer maniac!! Yes... computer makes me crazy especially the one that connected to internet. I really can't live without them.

I hope that my nose will be clearer tomorrow, no more coughing, I pray. 

See ya'll tomorrow.. achoooom!!  *sniff..


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