
Tuesday, July 29, 2008


We arrived at Sarikei after 3:00 p.m.  Unloaded our luggage and checked in.  Phew!  It was a hot bloody day but  we  have to chase the time.  Next destination; Sarikei Hospital and Polyclinic. 
I was mesmerized by the new Hospital Sarikei, it is the best  hospital, the most beautiful that  I've ever seen in Sarawak.  Forget about Normah or Timberland.  What more if compared to KPJ?  It's huge!!

Our mission was 95% accomplished.  We laid down on the separated single beds, exhaustedly.  Actually we almost had a pillow fight because hubby wanted the bed nearby the window.  I gave up.  Later, nearly 'Maghrib' time, when he pulled the curtain to look out, he almost jumped off the bed to see the 'beautiful' scenic view from his bed - a Muslim Cemetery.

I just gave him a chuckle.   "Ah, don't forget tonight on TV3 they're gonna show the drama, 'KEKASIHKU SERU'..., I hope that drama thrills!" (";)

... It's dinner time at 7:30 p.m.  We went to the Malay's warung to sample the nice smell of food, lingering our noses once we stepped out from the car.  I ordered 20 stix of satays (for pre-dinner, as you know the reputation of Malay's food outlet quite slow-mo!) for appetizers.  For the main course, we had Nasi Goreng Seafood and Nasi Goreng Paprik with Chicken Curry.  It's incomplete without the concoction of Ice Lemon Tea and Laici Susu.  Sorry no pictures taken, me was too hungry then! *wink!

Satay.  I can take more than this actually.  I just don't want people to drop their jaws down. *Gobb!! +_+

The night life in Sarikei.  I was standing across our motel, waiting for my Beef Burger to get cooked.  Beef burger?  Hehe, don't ask.  It's habitous montrous who loves snackous. Haha!!
The next morning came along, our last day of the trip.  Someone has promised to take me to sample a bowl of Kampua mee.  Where? Where about???  Just across our motel!!

Hmm.. the taste was so-so.  It's hard to adjust my tastebud within only one night stay in Sarikei.  My aunty Anne, who lived in Sarikei for nearly 10 years still commenting that in term of food, Sarikei still sucks and has limited choices.  Lucky for her, she moved to Kuching last year and had her first, mild heart attack!
I prefer Kolok mee more.  ;( I miss Kuching & Kolok mee, I wanna go home, huwaaaagghhh!! I always love Kolok much much more because....                                                                       
  • Kolok mee is smothered with rich Char Sio oil to get the reddish colour effect and also sweetness taste of BBQ. (Kampua got Kicap...(soy sauce)) :p
  • Kolok mee isn't a Kolok mee without Char Sio Ot Ot.  ^_^
  • The noodles taste itself is richer than Kampua!
  • Kampua looks pale and not appetizing indeed.

After so many comparisons being made; I ate /finished the Kampua mee before hubby.  hahahahaha..... I was hungry OK?

After breakkie, went to DHO Sarikei for a while.  We then said goodbye to Sarikei town and headed to Saratok's market to buy some jungle products for my parents.  We dropped by Hospital Saratok to see Dr. Lily Marina before fled to DHO Betong - before lunch hour, since that day was Friday and lunch hour started at 11:45 a.m. till 2:15 p.m.   Unfortunately, we couldn't make it so we continued our journey to another stopping by at Simpang Temudok.  The moment we arrived, it was already 1:30 p.m. - lunch time.  We rookied the stall by stall for fast food and this was I picked:

Sayur Cangkuk Manis, Daging Masak Kicap, Sotong Masak Kunyit and extra flavour enhancer....
Langau masak Kicap!!!  Sial.... I found this gigantic fly beneath my Daging Masak Kicap.  Uwekkkkk.....

The special recipe is brought by this particular proprietor, if you happen to sample their delicacies in future.

Steven Lim's stall.  I even have their full adress inside my handphone.

Shit.... ptuihhh!!!

Well, it ended our 3-day journey of body aching, tummy cranking and camwhoring.



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