
Wednesday, July 16, 2008


My small 'family'.  Tiny unity.  The real multiracial bondage.

We had internal meeting today and yes as usual doing minute taking.  2 hours and 15 minutes later.... we had another agenda actually.  As planned before, we threw a special, surprise farewell party for my Boss No. 2. 

 We could see some serious faces here.... especially me the big size lady. LOL

There were lots of aphrodisiacs food on the table and everything was arranged by, yours truly.  I didn't manage to get the pictures as I was busy entertaining the guests.  We had Mee Jawa, Tuna Sandwiches, Yam Puddings and Honey Dew, not forgetting washed down by cups of coffee and tea.

The cake.  All done less than 2 hours. LMAO.

"Happy early retirement boss.  Wherever you go and whatever you do, you're always a Queen in our hearts for your humbleness, persona, leadership and credibility.  We're gonna miss you.  Especially me :("


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