
Thursday, July 31, 2008


Everyday, my food container will contain fried rice or Nasi Lemak.  Sometimes it comes with Chicken Curry, fried bull eyed egg or Ayam Masak Kicap.  Boring.  Rice, rice rice.  I feel sinful eating rice everyday.  :p

Yesterday morning, I grabbed my instant pratha dough and cooked the filling.  Just minced chicken meat with mixed veggies (carrot, corn and green peas).  The puffs were then baked in oven at 220 degrees celcius not more than 20 minutes.

By 1:30 p.m. they all washed down with a mug of Nescafe.  3 in 1 regular.


Dr. Lee treated us with free Laksa Sarawak today! OMG!  She's leaving us soon so why not having something as remembrance today? 

Thanks a zillion, boss!

Whhoooaaaa..!!  ^_^ 
'Do the Karen Cheng pose' Camwhoring before eating is a must for a blogger! 
What are you waiting for?  Attaaaaacckkkkk!!!!!! 



It is a ritual for the Kings to take Coki Jr. Gabby to Hock Lee Centre's arcade on the weekend.  It will be followed by visiting the bookstores to buy her story books and also ours.  Later, then we will have big feast at KFC.  No further comment.  Mama also loves KFC, not only Gabby Boo, OK? :p

We always pass by this food outlet called Jolly Kitchen located at the top floor but we never intend to enter it before.  It was my idea to give it a hit.  The place is nicely decorated and the ambience is warmth welcoming us to take the table by the window.  It was raining heavily outside and this made us hungrier!!!

The waiter came with menus in his hand and handed to us.  After few seconds, we finally decided to order 3 glasses of 'Lychee Susu' (concoction of cold milk and lychee fruits), a plate of Salad Chicken Rice for Gabby and 2 bowls of Kolok Mee for us.  Bear in mind that this outlet is a Halal outlet so no porks are served.

The Salad Chicken Rice in Kuching normally has baked beans and mayonaisse - chilli sauce for the chicken topping but here, they serve Lobak Masin (salted cabbage).  Gabby said yummy.

Meanwhile, our Kolok Mee was superb!  The taste is very rich and the portion is moderate.  Served together with soy sauce and chillies and what is a Kolok Mee without a bowl of broth.  Nice.  We really enjoyed the food while watching the heavy downpour throughout the window.

Reading to attract the two boys attention while waiting for the food to come. (",)

... No conversation allowed.  At this point only the sluurrrpppy sounds can be heard... **Gobb gobb!! 

Half an hour later....  The ultimate satisfaction.  Everything was under RM18.00 (US$5.62).   Cheap or not? 
You decide!!


Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I’ve never told you about my old office haven’t I?  Well, actually the building that we occupy now is actually a Colonial era’s hospital back in 1950’s.  The place, I mean my office exactly now was one of the wards.  Creepy huh?  ^_^

My previous room, located not far from my current room was an operation theatre!  That’s creepier.  Yikes!  I’ve encountered few episodes of haunting when I was there.  There was one time, the stepbin opened itself.  I was freaked out to death that time.  Pheww!  The second time was at the tea room where I saw our ‘amah’ was washing the dishes and I was half sleeping that time.  It was during our lunch break and I took the chance to sleep there.  The third time I was disturbed after working hours but I have gone thru all that steadily.

My boss and my colleagues have experienced with some encounters too but what to do, 'we' are working and sharing the same place.

I bet a lot of you guys out there may encounter such experience as mine.  Care to share here?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


We arrived at Sarikei after 3:00 p.m.  Unloaded our luggage and checked in.  Phew!  It was a hot bloody day but  we  have to chase the time.  Next destination; Sarikei Hospital and Polyclinic. 
I was mesmerized by the new Hospital Sarikei, it is the best  hospital, the most beautiful that  I've ever seen in Sarawak.  Forget about Normah or Timberland.  What more if compared to KPJ?  It's huge!!

Our mission was 95% accomplished.  We laid down on the separated single beds, exhaustedly.  Actually we almost had a pillow fight because hubby wanted the bed nearby the window.  I gave up.  Later, nearly 'Maghrib' time, when he pulled the curtain to look out, he almost jumped off the bed to see the 'beautiful' scenic view from his bed - a Muslim Cemetery.

I just gave him a chuckle.   "Ah, don't forget tonight on TV3 they're gonna show the drama, 'KEKASIHKU SERU'..., I hope that drama thrills!" (";)

... It's dinner time at 7:30 p.m.  We went to the Malay's warung to sample the nice smell of food, lingering our noses once we stepped out from the car.  I ordered 20 stix of satays (for pre-dinner, as you know the reputation of Malay's food outlet quite slow-mo!) for appetizers.  For the main course, we had Nasi Goreng Seafood and Nasi Goreng Paprik with Chicken Curry.  It's incomplete without the concoction of Ice Lemon Tea and Laici Susu.  Sorry no pictures taken, me was too hungry then! *wink!

Satay.  I can take more than this actually.  I just don't want people to drop their jaws down. *Gobb!! +_+

The night life in Sarikei.  I was standing across our motel, waiting for my Beef Burger to get cooked.  Beef burger?  Hehe, don't ask.  It's habitous montrous who loves snackous. Haha!!
The next morning came along, our last day of the trip.  Someone has promised to take me to sample a bowl of Kampua mee.  Where? Where about???  Just across our motel!!

Hmm.. the taste was so-so.  It's hard to adjust my tastebud within only one night stay in Sarikei.  My aunty Anne, who lived in Sarikei for nearly 10 years still commenting that in term of food, Sarikei still sucks and has limited choices.  Lucky for her, she moved to Kuching last year and had her first, mild heart attack!
I prefer Kolok mee more.  ;( I miss Kuching & Kolok mee, I wanna go home, huwaaaagghhh!! I always love Kolok much much more because....                                                                       
  • Kolok mee is smothered with rich Char Sio oil to get the reddish colour effect and also sweetness taste of BBQ. (Kampua got Kicap...(soy sauce)) :p
  • Kolok mee isn't a Kolok mee without Char Sio Ot Ot.  ^_^
  • The noodles taste itself is richer than Kampua!
  • Kampua looks pale and not appetizing indeed.

After so many comparisons being made; I ate /finished the Kampua mee before hubby.  hahahahaha..... I was hungry OK?

After breakkie, went to DHO Sarikei for a while.  We then said goodbye to Sarikei town and headed to Saratok's market to buy some jungle products for my parents.  We dropped by Hospital Saratok to see Dr. Lily Marina before fled to DHO Betong - before lunch hour, since that day was Friday and lunch hour started at 11:45 a.m. till 2:15 p.m.   Unfortunately, we couldn't make it so we continued our journey to another stopping by at Simpang Temudok.  The moment we arrived, it was already 1:30 p.m. - lunch time.  We rookied the stall by stall for fast food and this was I picked:

Sayur Cangkuk Manis, Daging Masak Kicap, Sotong Masak Kunyit and extra flavour enhancer....
Langau masak Kicap!!!  Sial.... I found this gigantic fly beneath my Daging Masak Kicap.  Uwekkkkk.....

The special recipe is brought by this particular proprietor, if you happen to sample their delicacies in future.

Steven Lim's stall.  I even have their full adress inside my handphone.

Shit.... ptuihhh!!!

Well, it ended our 3-day journey of body aching, tummy cranking and camwhoring.




RM5 per head X 2 persons = RM10.00
RM10.00 X 20 working days = RM200.00
Total = RM200.00 per month

RM8 per head X 2 persons = RM16.00
RM16.00 X 20 working days = RM320.00
Total = RM320.00 per month

Grand Total:  RM520.00 per month spent only on foods (breakfast & lunch). Regardless petrol consumption and sweat you drain out in the hot hot afternoon..

How much you can save every month by sacrificing your sleeping hours, waking up as early as 4:30 a.m. in the morning and cutting down your wasted time on computer every night?

I can't fully discipline myself and go straight but at least I have breakkie 3X per week with hubby wobby and replace my sleeping time by taking nap in the cold, airconditioned office.

The saved RM will go to this month Kuching's carnival food and fun!  is actually useful for other expenses.  Pretty savvy huh? (";)

\0/  Yayy!!


Monday, July 28, 2008


Woke up at 6:30 a.m. and took turn to take hot shower. Rushed to put on our best look and checked out the Inn. Had our 'Mi Rangkai' (Mi Kering or Dried Kolok Mee) for breakkie. It's about time to leave the Sri Aman town.

Bye-bye Sri Aman town! 

Gone through the chilly morning up to Undop area, we visited KK Batu Lintang.


This clinic located on a hilly area. was built on a gorgeous landscape and I'd kill to work in the surrounding area that look like this!


The range beneath the foggy hill..... It's actually nearby Sarawak-Kalimantan's border.

Anyway, you should see the old school 3-lot shops.  Check this out!

Isn't it cool to see something like this?  I guess the age of these shops are not less than 40 years!

Next destination?  Engkelili.  Yes, I've never been here before, too.  I was expecting the Engkelili town small and isolated like Batu Lintang.

Engkelili's clinic is small, as small as Muara Tuang's clinic in the 80's but the town, I guess is more happening than Lubok Antu.  Whilst hubby was meeting up the nurses in the clinic, I took my chance to have a look around the clinic area.  Not bad.  Then we dropped by at an old coffee shop named, 'Untong Cafe' =_=* to replenish our drinking stocks (mineral water gulp-gulp!!).  Luckily it was payday so everything was on my treat! We parked our car opposite one canopy selling bags, tonnes of bags!! And when I took a glimpse my eyes laid on the dark brown document bag.

I ran out to ask the seller how much is the bag.  RM39.00 he said.  RM30?? I tried to bargain.  No.  RM35.00.  Deal.  RM35.00 and the bag is mine. Yayy!!

The journey continued..... *munch munch and gulp gulp more..then krooohhhhh zzzzzz....

When I woke up, we just arrived at ....

Betong Hospital!!!!!!!!! Gosh, didn't I mention to you that I saw something by the roadside, looking so freshly pink and cute, munching something?  Did not right?  Well, it was Miss Piggy!!  I forgot to snap the image.  But it was hillarious!!

I stole the chance to look bitch around the hospital.  Dr. Arvin was busy with patients and so did Dr. Calvin Singh.  Went to the OPD but couldn't find Sr. Hayati and SMA Sarpani.  Sr. Hayati was attending a course in Kuching and perhaps SMA Sarpani was busy with patients inside the treatment room.  I let hubby met some senior nurses there and I made myself busy looking at the organisational chart.  Cool.  What a nice hospital that Betong has.

Moving on, another place to go.....

a yellow-grey blowfish jumped waved to us and said, Welcome to Spaoh!!  Oh yeahhh!!

Another excitement to experience, my first time visit to Spaoh and behold the clinic....

Mr. Hubby acting macho while ascending the wooden staircase.  Yippie!!
Then we continued our journey to another junction, another road leading us to...

Pusa's clinic!!  Sorry, didn't manage to capture nearer, as I fell asleep, soundlyy..zzzzzzzz! Hik hIk.. When I opened up my eyes, we were at the exit already.  *Sigh.

We finally arrived at Saratok district but the time was already 1:00 p.m.  It's lunch time and most of the hospital staff went out for their lunchies!

Simple but yummy. Had drinks with my uncle who happens to be one of the hospital staff.  We had chit chat till 1:45 p.m. came, it's time to roam the hospital instead.

What a hot day it was!  Gulp gulp bottles of plain water to prevent myself from getting sick dehydrated.  Fun.

Oh yes, we had still got time.  Gotta reach Sarikei before 3:00 p.m.  Finally....

Yippie!!!  Sarikei here we come!!

... the journey adventures continued..



Whenever you feel boring to death,

Get a packet of Mamee....


Be creative!!  Or you can go to toilet to sleep like me!! ^_^** 

p/s:  No Mamee monsters were harm during this shoot.


Now I have time to narrate my experiences visiting the Sri Aman's rural clinics and to Sarikei town.

On Wednesday, we started our journey from Kuching at 7:45 a.m.  My goofy face as you can see here, resembling the Mexican/Mayan/Peruvian Haha!! couldn't wait for the journey's excitement.  Oh yes, I still not, fully recovered from the Sematan's sunburned last week but heck, still have the guts to burn my skin more for another adventures.

The first clinic that we went to was in Pantu, Sri Aman area. I've never been here before so I was quite 'sakai' when we went through the sealed 'kampung' road.

As what I mentioned early in my blog, it touched my heart to see the modest life and the calmness of laid back rural lifestyles.
This is how the clinic looks like.  Very funny thing happened actually while I was capturing this picture.  There was one attendant staring at our car but he fled off with others when they saw the Director's Office sticker on our car!!  Haha!!  Sorry guys.. I didn't mean to scare you off, but I was astonished by the view of the beauty surrounding your clinic.

The journey then continued to Sri Aman's town.  After checking in the Inn, we went to the stalls to find some snacks.  When we arrived, I smell heaven!!  Hmmm....

There were nice-nice jungle products being sold.  Some Malay kuihs and barbecued stuff.  We picked cold ABC (Air Batu Campur), Donuts, Banana Fritters and my favourite.. Buntut Manok Tunok!!!!BBQ-ed Chicken's tails!!  They came with complimentary sauce made of sweet soy sauce and chillies.  We couldn't find any saucer or small bowls for the sauce so opted for the glass that available in the Inn.  Few minutes later....

Eureka!!  The chicken's tail is goddamn good...

The rest of the evening.  While waiting for dinner time, we watched...

My Best Friend's Wedding at HBO.  The movie ended around 7:00 p.m. so we took our baths after that.  Time for dinner so went to hunt for foodie.  Eventhough the Fried Rice was sucks though, the grilled corns really made up everything.  
What is so special about this particular corn?
It is baste with margarine and strawberry jam, to get that caramelized taste.  
Went to sleep early that night.  Another long journey is awaiting.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Embarrassing Weed Story by Carol King

Every gardener probably has an embarrassing weed story. An exotic plant pops up and is nurtured and later turns out to be a musk thistle. Or the new house has some gorgeous plant that resembles a sedum and is really myrtle spurge (on list A of the Noxious Weed Act of Colorado). The “morning glory” growing up the rake you left in the garden is not a piece of yard art but instead a neglected tool covered with bind weed!
My most embarrassing weed story to date happened last summer. I always let the sunflowers that pop up from feeding the birds grow, no matter where they are. It adds a sense of randomness to the garden that I like. Several came up in the front garden and started to grow, and grow, and grow. I knew they were going to be giant mammoth sunflowers; the kind that wins prizes and ends up in pictures of largest grown produce; next to the 1,000 pound pumpkin. I envisioned receiving the purple grand champion ribbon and could read the headlines: “Area Woman Grows World’s Largest Sunflower”.
All summer, I watered and fed my plants and was encouraged by the large leaves, the glossy green color and the height, my goodness the height. Toward the end of July, they actually grew taller than the eaves of the house and then flower buds appeared and did not look at all like sunflowers. I looked closely and saw that the leaves on my giant plants did not exactly match the leaves on the other sunflowers in the garden. I had the uneasy feeling that these might not be sunflowers at all.
Sure enough, research proved that my prize plants were Ambrosia trifida; and yes it is a member of the sunflower family (Asteraceae). I say this to redeem myself for feeding, watering, and tending giant ragweed all summer. At least I discovered my mistake before it bloomed. Each plant has the ability to produce about a billion grains of pollen. And because it is the greatest allergen of all pollens and the main cause of hay fever in North American, my three lovingly attended plants would have garnered the headline: “Area Woman Causes Sneezing, Runny Nose, and Itchy Eyes in Major Population Area”. And no purple grand champion ribbon either.

Preparing to Eradicate Giant Ragweed


This is a special entry for my readers out there.  Lately, I notice quite a heavy traffic into my blog with some friendly and cheerful comments in the Shoutbox.  Thanks to you guys.

I notice this happens only during weekdays i.e. working and schooling days?

What is happening during weekends?  It is even hard to find more than 3 readers online if compared to weekdays.....

So, I just make conclusion that, most of my readers, about 80% of them are misusing the office internet's connection facility.....

"Wooff!! Grr.. grrr... wooff! woooff!!"  (Damn... what is the fucki** password?)

Gotcha!  I've caught you online-bitching!!



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