
Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Hola people!

Wow. It's been like ages I don't rock this blog. Dear blog, I miss you too but since I'm so busy, my brain can't provide creativity that much for this blog so now I'm back. +_+

On 11th April, I was performing, it is more to a 'come back to the scene' after hibernating for more than 3 years. Wow. (How many times do I have to repeat the Wow, haha). The function was for the WORLD HEALTH DAY with the theme, 1000 cities, 1000 lives. Wow again.

Performance by BB-Boyz

The function started as early as at 7:00 a.m. with mass 'Senamrobik' and the launching of 'Jom Kayuh' (bicycle team) by Datuk Amar Abang Johari Bin Tun Abang Openg. This event was divided into few zones and our busking/acoustic team was performing at Zone B. I'm very proud to perform with my best friends like Max, Karen, Errol, Nat, Sam and other rocking band members like Polar, Guru, Nice Stupid Playground, ZDNeosaber etc, etc. We arrived before 7 a.m. since the road along Jalan Tunku Abd. Rahman was going to be closed before 8 a.m. Had our breakfast at Greenhill Corner, oh how I miss this place but sadly speaking, we picked a wrong table. The stinky drain really killed our appetite that morning.

My noobs buddies. These are young magicians from Kuching. From left, Iki, Darius and Harvill.

I wonder where have my nervousness gone? Normally, I would shake myself on the stage, prior to my nervousness but this time, I really enjoyed my performance maybe because I have tons of fans shouting for me down there. Not fans, they are my colleagues and friends if you wanna know.

Battle of the drums. From left, Sam, hubby, Polar's drummer, Edwin and Nat.

Songs selection were made by Max. Since my turn to perform started at 12 noon and the place was started to pack with people, we chose the killer songs like Dia, Sinaran and Bitterheart to be rendered first. Then we rest for a while. The next session, I sang Kiss Me, There She Goes and Hebat. The show was managed by Mork, Odie and Raykana. Bravo guys!

We left the venue at 3:30 p.m. when we realized that we haven't had our lunch yet so we stopped by Tracy's Kitchen to have my favorite, Porky Leg Stew. Yummeh! Anyway, I really enjoyed the day and looking forward to a bigger celebration next year, can we Mork?

Gob gob! Don't ask who she is. Hahaha..

With Love,

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