
Monday, April 19, 2010



Another busy week for Miss Coki.  My creativity and my brain seem to jam lately.  I dunno how to blog anymore-kah? Haha.. touch wood.... touch wood.... :p

First, works are works so I leave it on my desk, left untold. +_+   OK.  I'll be singing again, shaking, not rocking the stage at Etiqa's Roadtour this Friday and Saturday.  So to my fans (do I have any? ahahahahaha..) you can come over to Waterfront, next to James Brooke Cafe to see me performing live.

I'm booked for next month too, but it isn't confirmed yet.  But then, I found out that I'm taken out of  from the performer list.  It's OK.  Everyone has their own day maybe it's fated for others.  Think positively!  Yay!!

d plan was to hold a nite tribute to Kuching's famous local band which song has gone internationally.  Go and find the band itself.  *chuckle*.  Damn.  Now I am chopped as a Jazz singer, huhu what to do.  Hey, I've never thought that I can sing jazz when I tried to render some of the songs that my hubby improvises or jazzes them up.  OK, so-so.. you tell. Haha.

I dunno I'm gonna sing until when, but I know one day till I get senile I still feel that I am a Diva.  Haha!

With Love,

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