
Monday, April 26, 2010


Today is my 8th day of rice skipping trial.  It's not that I totally skip rice but just trying to avoid it as much as possible.  As far as I remembered, I had only 3 plates of rice, one at home, one at my Mom's place (hey, who can resist Mom's cooking anyway, haha) and we had Chicken Rice on Saturday.  The rest of the days, my carbs came from noodles, potatoes and bread.

Look at what I had for lunch today.  'Umbut kelapa' masak lemak with 'Ayam Masak Kicap' & 'Ayam Masak Sos'.  (Translation: Chicken in Soy Sauce and Chicken in Chilli Sauce).  Nyam nyam!

The aftermath.  I finished everything for less than 5 minutes.  3 minutes perhaps.  I don't know how long will I do this but so far, I've been doing it so good but sometimes, I will run out of idea of what I'm gonna eat later in the end of the day.

The verdict:

  1. My menses flow longer than usual which is good.  Normally, I will experience it like only in 2 or 3 days.  This time I'm still having it, now it's coming to my 5th day.  Yay!!
  2. I don't feel bloated or sleepy after lunch time which means I'm more productive.  Yayy!!
  3. I feel lighter and my skirts and blouses also seems to loose and yayyyy!!!!

No.  Don't ask me how much I have lost.  I'm still in a very premature stage. +_+  Support me, will you guys?

With Love,

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