
Monday, April 5, 2010

Rick Warren At Desiring God - Another Perspective

John Piper's decision to invite Rick Warren to his conference in September has, not unexpectedly, stirred up a hornet's nest in the blogosphere. Here is and excerpt from Tim Challies, a noted Christian blogger, weighing in from his personal experience with both men and their ministries:

"So John Piper has asked Rick Warren to speak at this year's Desiring God National Conference, Think: The Life of the Mind and the Love of God. You may have heard about this, either through buzz in the blogosphere or even from Piper himself in his recent Ask Pastor John session. I have known this for some time now as Warren told me himself when I visited Saddleback last September. So I have had a long time to reflect on it. And having done so, I am persuaded that it is not a good idea."

You can read the rest of the posting here.

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