
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sculpture Garden

Last weekend I took a walk through the downtown Des Moines sculpture garden. The city cleaned out several dilapidated buildings and made a large green space next to the new library. Then a wealthy couple gave the Des Moines Art Center many sculptures.

I stepped inside one work and could the downtown through a maze of letters.

This is what the work looks like when you step back a ways.

Who couldn't resist these guys?

This woman looked like she was stepping into a bath tub. Sort of. Probably not what the artist had in mind but that is what it looked like to me.

This reminded of The Legend of Sleep Hollow. Is that the one with the headless horseman?

This horse was interesting. (I added this after I put up the original post.)

Here's another view. I can't imagine how the artist put this together!

This reminds me of something I have in my basement.

Think I'll keep my distance from this fella! Whoa!

This guy is interesting. He is obviously thinking about something pretty hard.

What great features!

These two snowmen looking works are actually very large.

I think I have something like this behind my barn!

But I liked this guy

and this guy the best. Does that say something about me? Heh!

Thanks for stopping by!

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