
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Update From New Zealand

This from Bryce Taylor and his family:

Thank you. We are right in the middle of Kidz camp, we have 6 different nationalities represented here. I learned yesterday how to do a turban for a siek camper, it is a stretch... hahaha that was a joke... because you have to stretch it on his head....ok so I guess ya have to be here for that one. But it is so great to share the Gospel wit these kidz who have never heard it before. I spoke with most of the parents on arrival and I would have to say that ther was probably bout 20% Christian parents and 80% non Christian. I am struggling to find a good balance for family and camp but I have spoken to the managers and they have a really great way of just being there for us. So we are taking off for a week at the end of this month to get some RnR please pray that we do well in our planning of that so we maximize our replenishment during that time. This place truly is 24/7 so we are looking forward to getting away as a family. This week we have Ywam friends staying with us and helping take care of the kidz while we run this camp. Thanks so much for prayers and keep up the good fight.

In prayer and love

Brother Bryce

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