
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

And the Dr. says……….

So as I have written I have had some chronic shin issues since my return to running after Izzy's birth. I was extremely nervous going into Sunday's race for fear that I would not be able to finish due to the pain. Thankfully, I was ok and was able to finish the race. Surprisingly I did not have the intense shin pain I had been experiencing on my shorter runs. So it was time to seek the professionals help.

I work in a building that has a sports med office along with a full physical therapy area. I was reluctant to go because I felt in a way I was cheating on the Dr that repaired and rehabbed my ACL back in 2000. I really did love him and his staff but the drive now would be killer due to the fact I now have 3 kids well you get the idea. So I sucked it up and went to the Dr in my building at work. I must say I was very happy; I spoke to a Dr who is a runner and a working mother like me! She also understood my desire to keep running.

So after an x-ray and an exam we determined that I do not have stress fracture! Yeah!!! However, she did still want to do an MRI on both legs just to be safe. We also talked about Physical therapy 3 times a week to treat and strengthen the shins and she suggested new shoes. I know as a runner you should change your shoes every 300-500 miles, she meant find a new brand and see if it helps. Finally this is what blew me away she suggested I get off the treadmill since that is when I seem to have the most pain, she thinks it is possible my gait/stride is being altered hence the pain and aggravation to the shin. Bottom line there seems to be a lot of little things I can do to get myself healthy and really, I am ready to try anything because I hate running in pain.

So to all my runner friends out there, if you have suggesting on a brand of shoe you like please let me know as I am flying blind since I have been loyal to one brand for years!!!

So consider this episode 1 in the shin saga…….more to come!


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