
Saturday, April 24, 2010


I woke up at 4:15 this morning to the sound of pounding on my roof. As it was not Christmas Eve I figured it was not Santa's reindeer making all that clatter. No, it was hail.

This is what they call marble sized hail. It fell for about two minutes. But during that two minutes it sure made a lot of noise.

These tulips are next to the house so they were not damaged.

This rabbit and squirrel were under a tree. I have a feeling the hail did not bother them too much. The pink blossom you can see is from the crab apple tree.

The water was pouring out the rain gutter. I like the sound the water makes.

Now the storm has passed and soon the sun will come up. I took this photo a few days ago.

Thanks for stopping by.

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