
Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend With the Family

Ruth and Todd came down from Vermont for the weekend. We had an absolutely fantastic time! The weather was perfect and we all enjoyed Sammi, who is beginning to talk! She's got a lot of energy, especially when fueled by all that Easter candy!! The whole family was together for day Saturday.

Then, what a blessing! Our services on Sunday morning were great (in spite of me attributing the miracle of "turning wine into water" to Jesus...TWICE....once in each service). With Ruth, Todd, Sammi and Jason there, along with all our friends at WBF, it was like having our favorite people all in one place at the same time! There were many warm greetings and great fellowship. What a wonderful and loving church family we have!

Here are some pics of the holiday with one of my favorite hymns "Fields of Green".

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