
Thursday, April 8, 2010

We Are Going to Greece!

This summer, I will be blessed to fulfill a lifelong dream of traveling to the country of my Grandfather, Greece. I grew up in the incredibly rich culture and heritage of an ancient people, listening in wonder as my Grandfather told stories of the Old Country. Anyone who has seen "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" has seen my family in action.

Grandpa used to go back every 5 years or so and bring back the most incredible pictures of Athens, the Greek Islands and our family over there. I promised myself that one day, I would go and see it in person. Now, by the grace of God, the blessing of the Elders and (hop
efully) the encouragement of our church family, Kelly and I will go in July and August.

I've been trying to plan this since January and have run up against one frustration after another, most having to do with slow response times from over there. Earlier this week, it was like the dam broke and the details started lining up according to our timetable and budget. We've found a number of places to stay at affordable prices and are in the process of choosing one.

Our plan, other than some serious down time while we're there, is to follow in the footsteps of Paul. We want to go to the places he went and study the writings he produced while he was there. Our plan is to return and teach about Paul in the Book of Acts, providing background and insight to what were formative years for Paul and why he grew in the Lord the way he did. I'm confident that we will all learn more about our
own walk through this process.

I have to tell you, I am amped up for this! Our lives were changed when we went to Jerusalem four years ago. There is such a stirring in my heart over this trip! Still, I don't want to preconceive what may happen and miss what God has for us so, I am going with an open mind and willing spirit to see what God has planned for Kelly and I and, by extension, WBF through this time away.

I've been in full time ministry for 8 years now, blessed and enjoying every minute of it but finding myself in need of rest and restoration. Sabbaticals are recommended for a Pastor every 5 to 7 years. Recommended lengths vary, running from one month to 6. The Elders have fairly and generously settled on three months. They have been working with me for over two years in this and it all came together this year.

We'll miss everyone in our precious church family this summer. The sabbatical begins in June. Being away will be bittersweet but we are already excited about what we have planned for when we get back! I've been working with the staff on the Summer and Fall schedule and they are both shaping up to be really wonderful opportunities for the staff to minister mightily while we are gone and for us to come back to a full and challenging Fall schedule and curriculum.

We'll be sharing more details on all this in the coming weeks. For now, will you begin praying for our family, the staff and the church as we seek His will in all we do?

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