
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Food Poisoning!

I contracted a very nasty case of food poisoning last week. It came from a sausage sandwich I ate on Saturday morning about 8 days ago. I has some suspicions about the sandwich right from the start but rather foolishly ate most of it anyway.

Needless to say, the last week has been a tough one on my stomach and my capability to digest the food I eat. I've had food poisoning before (a sure indicator that I'm not very smart when it comes to the things I'm willing to eat.) but never as nasty as this one has been.

By early that Saturday afternoon, I was convinced I had the flu. But by early Sunday afternoon, I was sure it was more than that. I was feeling better by late Monday but a strange thing has occurred. I've lost my appetite. My diet, for a week now, has been VERY bland, mostly steamed rice and broiled fish or chicken. I have had no coffee, soda, milk, sweets or spicy foods. Earlier, I tired some of my regular style foods and I've just been unable to process them without major and extended effect on my stomach. The net effect has been that, at least for now, I not only don't
want those things, but the idea of ingesting any of them is upsetting.

"All in all, this has been a good thing." I keep saying to myself. I really don't enjoy feeling like this but I know God has a reason for it. Isn't that what we've been learning in our studies over the last....oh, maybe three years or so? I'm sure one of the things I'm supposed to be learning is to take better care of this "temple" of the Holy Spirit...if only to honor Him in how I eat and drink.

Another great lesson is that God is sovereignly in control of all things, even the pulpit at WBF. I had to leave church last Sunday at the last minute. John Boswell (who had a full sermon prepared) stepped in and did a great job. I ended up with another week to work on my message and a whole new vista of understanding rose up from my studies in Ephesians 6. I was really excited to bring that sermon this morning.

Yet another blessing has been to see how considerate, understanding and loving my wife can be. She's hovered over me and been a great help in encouraging me to stay with the "bland" foods until I'm better. All the fantastic folks at WBF have been a similar blessing of encouragement and concern.

We don't alwa
ys get to see God's hand moving in our lives. It's particularly hard to see this when times are tough. I'm just praising Him for taking my naive carelessness and having the patience to teach me these beautiful but hard lessons.... even while I endure the consequences of my own actions.

Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

Thank you, our gracious, holy, heavenly Father.

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