
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Apollos Graduation and Deacon Installation Today!

Today was another significant day in the history of our church. We graduated our Apollos VI class, the 6th in our series of leadership/equipping classes. What a great group of men! The slide show below is from the second service but we had three different graduates speak at each service and each one of them did a fantastic job.

Our next Apollos class will be for the women of the church and will be next October. Meanwhile, we are beginning work on an "Advanced Apollos Class".

We also installed 6 new Deacons (only 4 of which were able to join us) today. As the Deacons assume a more prominent roles in the ministry of the church, it is inspiring to watch them grow in their knowledge of the Word as well. All of the new Deacons were also Apollos graduates.

We had a reception/luncheon afterward, down in Fellowship Hall.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

True Cost of Colony Collapse Disorder to Beekeepers


Here's an interesting article on the monetary cost of colony collapse disorder to the nation's bee keepers.  It is enormous!


Colony Collapse Disorder - True Cost of Colony Collapse Disorder to Beekeepers -


What a day I’ve gone through today. No. I’m not talking about bad omen or what but hell yeah, it’s very hot today. Could feel myself melted slowly on the couch and doze off. I didn’t want to join Gabby surfing the net as usual in the mini office and enjoyingt the air-cond. I would rather watched the TV and caressed my cat, Bujang. Woke up at 6:00 p.m. and got myself dressed before heading to our burger’s stall. So, it’s a normal thing after CNY the comes CGM (Chap Goh Meh) and the hot season will follow after. Oh, how was I craving for ABC, a can of Coke, Neapolitan Ice Cream sandwiched between two fat slices of Taka’s Bakery bread. Haha. I predicted that many people will come out and have their dinner outside tonight.

Yummy. I want you, can anot?

My prediction didn’t go wrong. The moment we arrived at Hijau, the place was flocked with cars. A good sign. A good sign, I told myself. Mork, Ray and Max came tonight. So did Kevin, altogether with his wife, Sandera and little Marcella Jane.

We only went home after midnite. Gabby woke up and thought that we were going out again. Haha. She might have heard us opening the door and storing the business stuff. Can’t wait for tomorrow. Going to do some marketing, not selling things but buying some things to cook for dinner. Oh, tomorrow will be celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary. People, I’ve been married for 10 smooth years. Thanks to Lord Jesus for this. Will blog about it another day. Cooking is something that I rarely do lately besides cooking the burgers patties. Can it be considered cooking? Yes for the customers but no for the family. Hehe.

Want to share something here. Thanks to Max who gave me a tip to boost up my broadband’s signal. Maybe Puteri would laugh at me by reading this. Want to try? Get a stainless steel cup or pot. Make sure the cable is long enough for you to place the dongle inside the cup. At home, the signal is normally between one and two bars, since I’ve tried Max’s tip, it is now working perfectly at 3 bars and if I hit the luck or maybe the luck hits me, I will get the four bars, fully working.

Presently, am downloading the Final Destination 4. Uncensored. Damn cool. Yay!

With Love,

Friday, February 26, 2010

CERITA KEDAI KOPI (Coffee Shop Gossips)

Damn. I can't sleep last night. Seriously. When I saw the time struck at 4:00 a.m., I quickly switched off my netbook. We had undergone the busking practice for the first kick, it was awesomely crazy. Will expose the event for this busking thingy. Soon OK?

It has been 2 months since we're selling burgers at Hijau. What is a good thing about Hijau is that, it reminds me of PV, Damai. OK. 90's clubbers, still remember Pee Vee @ PV? OMG, that's the coolest place/club after Jupiter back during my college years. Damn happening. Piccadilly? Barzing?? Narrfff.. there are nothing compared to those clubs in the 90's. Still remember Hilton's Peppers? Gosh, those were the dayz. The best place to sip beers in the greenery lush rainforest kind of ambience. PV somehow resembles Hijau. Only without live band. Can have beers some more, holla!

- Big, succulent, juicy. We use full cheese, unlike other stalls that would cut the cheese into two pieces.

Back to the burger selling stories. Initially, I felt so exhausted that I was unable to wake up the next morning, my body would cry in ache and pain all over the next morning. Eventually, my body had somehow compromised with the biological clock and stuff. I am loving it now. No matter how stress I am, being pulled and pushed in the office, selling burgers actually is giving me some kind of therapy, tension releasing which I love so much.

While cooking the meat patty, I sometimes overhear some interesting topics, to be precise - people gossiping! Haha. There's one time, a group of boys were condemning this particular local indie band which happens to be our friend. I just smiled at my husband and my band members.

There is this big guy who always talks big - YALAH. HIS FATHER OWNS ONE OF LEADING CAR SELLING COMPANY OR WHATEVER LAH KAN.. Out of 100%, 99.9% of his words would say dirty cursing words like 'puss*, fu*ck, sh*t'. Hahaha! Iban guy some more but never speaks any single Iban's word. How do that I know that he's Iban? Kantoi maaaa... maybe his dad called him so I overheard something like that he would go home a bit late.

There's a boy also who loves to disturb us - his mom is selling there but I don't want to reveal his name. He loves to bite his fingernails, which is so disturbing to see. Whenever he bites his nails he will spit like 'pooff!' and the reason why I hate it, he has epilepsy. You know his saliva, sorry I don't mean to be rude, so everytime I see him biting his nails I will scream at him like this, "Yieewww!! Don't bite your nails. So dirty!" He would run away from me after that.

Ok. Our most supporting customers are this group of 4-Wheelers. They can stand to drink beers and play Poker until 3 a.m. Normally this group will get us to close earlier with sweet collections you know what I mean right? They will eat and play Poker all night long.

I'm glad that I am not shame with what I'm doing and some more, I have a special table next to our stall which is always full with friends and family members, almost every night. Thanks guys. OK.

Lastly, please follow us at Facebook. We have now amazingly collected 162 fans. Wow!

With Love,

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Starting Plants Indoors From Seed

 Yes, dear gardener, it is FINALLY time to start thinking about starting your plants from seed.  Here's a great article with lots of good advice for the gardener.


Starting Plants Indoors From Seed : Planet Green

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

30 Reasons I Love My Wife

One for each year we've been married:

30. She giggles if I even think about tickling her

29. She has cute toes

28. She cooks things that I like to eat, even if she doesn't

27. She's a really great photographer but gives God the credit

26. She's very wise with how we use our resources

25. She's a sharp dresser with her own unique style

24. She's an awesome interior decorator

23. She laughs at my jokes (most of the time)

22. She listens to me even when I'm boring

21. She's slowly becoming a gadget/techno freak….too!

20. She likes to travel with me

19. She had taught herself to play piano and plays it well

18. She writes the most awesome songs to the Lord

17. She really knows how to get me choked up with a card or letter

16. She works hard to take care of herself

15. She works hard to take care of our home

14. She buys really cool shoes

13. She shops frugally for her clothes but gets awesome stuff!

12. She puts up with my model cars being scattered around

11. She loves me enough to go to a car show with me

10. She is extremely loyal and totally committed to her friends

9. She truly loves our children and looks for the best in each of them

8. She's an amazing woman and an awesome wife

7. She has supported me in my career choices, even the questionable ones

6. She has always been totally honest and totally transparent with me

5. She has sacrificed greatly and joyfully in raising our children

4. She has one of the most tender hearts I've ever seen

3. She is on fire for the Word of God

2. She loves me desperately

1. She loves God even more

Our love is 30 years old. It's just getting to the good part!

Tie Thoughts

A lot of things I don't notice. But one thing I do is how a man ties his tie. Most well known politicians tie a very good tie. They tie a full windsor knot.

Some famous politicians prefer to go with a half windsor knot. However, that knot is traditionally regarded as less preferred (is that polite enough?).

When you see a full windsor knot next to a half windsor, the difference is striking.

President Reagan was one of the best dressed Presidents in history.

Here he is with his Vice President, George Bush.

Johnny Carson always tied his tie in a full windsor knot.

So did his well dressed side kick, Ed McMahon.

David Letterman always wears a full windsor knotted tie.

He even looks good on a motorcycle.

Some people will tell you it depends on the shirt collar as to which knot you should tie your tie in. Don't believe them. A full windsor knot is the ONLY knot to use for a tie.

And while we're at all, don't ever put anything like a tie tack or a chain across your tie. That looks, uh, tacky.

If you are a man reading this and you don't know how to tie a full windsor knot, learn. If you are a woman and your husband or son is running around with a half windsor tie, talk to him. He won't listen but that's another story!

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


OK. For those who don't normally go out for lunch will spend their time surfing internet, gossiping and the best is - afternoon nap! I normally take like 20 minutes nap before resuming at 2:00 p.m. Tido waktu lunch sedap weii!

But 20 minutes of nap sometimes leads your body to exhaust and you will feel drowsy. Some people will rush to the washroom to wash their face and for me, it's OK for the guys. For ladies, this will affect your valuable time as after washing your face you have to reapply your makeup again.

This is what I always do.

Hmm.. still feel drowsy and blur... check my face first. Any oil residue (minyak muka weh!) please wipe it off with facial tissue.

Then, take your compact powder and re-puff your face with it. Check your lipstick. Apply lip balm first then followed by lipstick or gloss for that kissable sexy lips. Cheh!

Finally. This is the most important. Pack yourself a facial spray. Get a cheap one like the one from The Face Shop, I bought it for RM15.00++. The one that I use in the picture is FIX + by M.A.C. - Feel fresher because the water itself feels so cold! Rejuvenating time! Aaaaaaaaaahh....

Sleepy?? Don't be.

With Love,

Monday, February 22, 2010


I was an athlete during my junior primary school years. Ye, aku tau aku besar tapi percayalah, this happened in 1988. Haha. I always saw this powder named 'Aiken' inside my parents' room. When I read it, it was meant for 'athlete's foot'. Oh OK, since I was an athlete konon so I grabbed the powder and kept it inside my school bag. The next morning, before PJ (Pendidikan Jasmani) I powdered both of my feet. Harapan ku ialah supaya aku dapat berlari sekencang angin ribut hahahahahhah!

Then, masa lari tu kan, I was a bit exhausted because I skipped my breakfast. I came 2nd or 3rd like that. Terus lah I menyumpah seranah, "bab* punya powder! Ingatkan dapat membantu atlit tapi menyusahkan! "

Memang pun untuk Athlete's Foot tapi bukan kaki seorang atlit, tapi ini! (Lihat gambar di bawah)

Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot[1] and tinea pedis[1]) is a fungal infection of the skin that causes scaling, flaking, and itch of affected areas. It is typically transmitted in moist areas where people walk barefoot, such as showers or bathhouses. Although the condition typically affects the feet, it can spread to other areas of the body, including the groin. Athlete's foot can be prevented by good hygiene, and is treated by a number of pharmaceutical and other treatments.

AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *maafkanlah kebodohan ku. Come on, I was only 9-10 that time!*

Kann? How stupid I was. I was actually a very curious kid and always got myself misinterpreted things. There was one time I found my daddy's treatment card. I looked at it an found that card belonged to Hospital Sentosa (Sarawak Mental Hospital, that time). Then, it gave me a thought. No wonder dad always got angry when we're naughty. Haha. Dad's got mental problem!

Matilah tuduh bapak sendiri gila, haahaha ampun pak. It happened that Sentosa Hospital was the only nearby hospital and my dad, who was still serving in Army - his camp was only located opposite the hospital. Should there be any medical problem occurred they will quickly go to that hospital. Poor my dad. Haha.

Gedebuk!! "Adoi mak." *Malunyerr!*

With Love,

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Prairie School Architecture

Every day when I drive to work I drive by a new police station. It is an excellent example of Prairie School architecture.

I don't know much about architecture. I am just one of those "I know what I like when I see it" people. This design style is characterized by large windows and often uses flat roofs and overhangs.

From what I understand, the idea is to create large, open living spaces. Thus the big windows and minimal use of walls.

I've always liked big windows. The idea of being able to sit inside yet feel like you are part of the outdoors is appealing to me.

Often I image such design in black and white. I'm not sure why. But I do.

This is a famous house in Pennsylvania known as Fallingwater. It was built in 1936 and designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

I have lived on the prairie all my life. Some people find beauty in mountains. Others in the ocean. But for me I love the prairie and its openness. And I like this style of architecture a lot.

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010


La imagen del payaso que nos asusto a todos de por vida. Bueno, no ya no me asusta.

Si, ando de ocioso.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010


Hi! Still in the mood of CNY, I present you my delayed entry of CNY. This year's visiting wasn't as productive as before, was it? Well, we only went to my boss' house, then off to our friend's gf house then to baby Sam's house and finally to my uncle's. 4 houses. +_+. Afterall, I woke up very very late, I guess around noon time. Haha. What a Mom I am.

Whilst watching a lion dance performance at one of the houses we visited.

"Scary but cool" - Gabby

Well, eventhough we started to go for visiting quite late, it was tiring still. Memang letih beb. Tak tau apa yang buat letih tapi yang seronoknya si Gabbylah sebab dapat kumpul ang pow.

Another elayed entry. This serious face didn't have suitable time to blog. There is always excuse involved. Waktu idea ada, masa pulak tak ada. Time free kosong empty bagai, tanak pulak idea datang macam tsunami.

The best thing about CNY this year, it coincided with Valentine's Day!! Oh yes, I found this rose on my table, next to my netbook when I woke up that morning.
It came also with this cute lil' teddy bear!! Thanks hubby for the surprise, Happy Valentine's Day to you too. I love you so much!! xoxo.

2010 is a very special year indeed for us.

  1. Our 10th Valentine's Day together...
  2. Our girl is going to be 10 this year ...
  3. Our 10th wedding anniversary will be at the end of this month
  4. I've been working at this place for 10 years!!

So, lucky number 10 eh?

With Love,

Winter Woes

I think it is safe to say that the majority of us are ready for spring! Keeping our spirits up in the face of the continuous onslaught of winter storms is proving challenging. Children are home from school, roads are difficult to navigate, and it is easy to feel isolated when you can't get around. Please be aware of your neighbors, especially the elderly.

We too have had difficult decisions to make about whether or not the library will be open. The general policy of the library is that if all the schools are closed in Somerset County the library will also close. However, because the roads are often passable in town we try our best to be open. Any change to the library schedule will be posted on WJAC. The safety of the library staff is our highest priority. I apologize to anyone who has made the effort to come to the library only to find it closed. It is difficult to predict what the weather will do and sometimes I have made the decision to close early in the morning only to find out the predicted conditions do not develop. Gotta love nature!!

Apologies to anyone who baked and prepared for Death by Chocolate and found out it was postponed. Because of the weather and a lack parking options due to piles of snow, the Friends of the Library felt it necessary to postpone the event. The effort was made to get the word of the postponement out to the community but we understand that not everyone received the message. We are so sorry for this inconvenience. The Friends plan to reschedule Death By Chocolate in April after the Maple Festival. We hope all chocolate lovers will be willing to participate at that time. The funds raised by Death By Chocolate go a long way in supporting library programs at a time when funding has become tenuous. We so appreciate the support the Meyersdale Public Library receives from this community.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010



Despuespan de días de ausencia que mas que nada han sido por flojera para postear le vengo a dar a conocer el nuevo proyecto de Veland. ¿Quien es Morten Veland? Pues simplemente es uno de los parteaguas en el Gothic Rock que a mi tanto me gusta, ha sido fundador de dos de las mejores bandas que he tenido la oportunidad de escuchar: Tristania y Sirenia. Esta nueva "banda de un solo hombre" (ya que el ha hecho todo) se escucha muy muy bien. Si acaso lo único que para mi gusto le falto, es la voz de alguna mujer que complementara las voces "duras" de Morten, pero eso no le quita nada. Solo habrá que esperar a que salga este buen material. Y para muestra:

The One I Once Was


The New Desire


Prison Gardens a Growing Trend

Nelson Mandela may have started it all when he was in prison—"A garden is one of the few things in prison that one could control," he wrote in his autobiography. "Being a custodian of this patch of earth offered a small taste of freedom."

Prison Gardens a Growing Trend, Feeding Inmates on the Inside and Food Banks on the Outside : Planet Green

Right here in Jefferson County, we have an inmate rose garden that is accredited through the All American Rose Selection!  While it's not vegetables, it is something to be proud of.  It is  the only public rose garden in the United States to be planted at a jail and maintained by inmates. Gardening redeems us.

Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Public Rose Garden


Monday, February 15, 2010


"The biggest event of any Chinese New Year's Eve is the dinner every family will have. A dish consisting of fish will appear on the tables of Chinese families. It is for display for the New Year's Eve dinner. This meal is comparable to Christmas dinner in the West." - Wikipedia

Yes, as tradition we had our big feast at Uncle Bernard's house last Saturday. Makan punya makan till I forgot to snap the dining table, I mean the food. Maklumlah, I had my girl on my side nak layan makan bertambah-tambah (Oh, thanks to my aunty punya Rendang Daging yang always superb!) and on the other hand, my beautiful but naughty niece, si Ashlynn nak melompat-lompat terjun kaedahnya from my mother's lap. Kesian my Mom. My sis pun camtu jugak, biasalah budak -budak umur macam Ashlynn ni memang lasak sikit.

Oh, some of pictures yang I sempat snap for this entry.

Cuppa coffee lepas dinner. Thanks aunty! I love your coffee always cheering up my sleepy eyes. +_+ See my girl's in pink skirt? Her aunty Cindy yang duduk sebelah di nampak kecik walhal derang punya gap umur like 8-9 years? * Matilah bayi gergasi * haha.

Centerpiece of the table haruslah dihiasi dengan Lok Kam (Limau Mandarin) Limau Kantonis, Limau Hokkien, Limau Hakka takde ke? Hahahhaa.... gilo hapo. Anyway, we did tapau some dalam handbag. Who had the bigger bag, untunglah boleh tapau berbiji biji!

Don't disturb. This is my favourite. Haha.

The youngsters at Bluetooth Zone. Sorry, Wi Fi unavailable ya. Carik sendiri kat luar tu. (",)

Women zone. Gossiping is allowed!

Meet the men at Gambling zone. Semua tidak berguna. At the end all the wives went home, luckily they can drive so let the men taking their times till 4:00 a.m. Ish, ish, ish...

Yes. CNY's eve is all about get together, big feast and big bet - afterall. Not forgetting big ang pows and decible breaking fire crackers sound. Aaaaahhh.... I love CNY. Kong hee kong hee!


With Love,

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