
Monday, February 8, 2010


"Going out for breakfast?", hubby invited. YES! I didn't reject as my tummy was growling as the Blues music. We always have our breakfast nearby since we're staying within the radius of King Centre - Tabuan Jaya so they are many choices of food to be selected. Asyik makan kat tempat sama pun boring jugak right? OK. Why not kita pergi ke BDC? Hubby suggested. Whatever, I said.

This particular place memang tempat favourite hubby and Morky. Its famous with the signature dish, Kolok Mee lah apa lagi.

- - - - - ** Entering the Non Halal zone! ** - - - - -

Hmm.. Sampai ke hari ini, still thinking what is so special about this noodle? *Still scratching my head* Abih tu suma kata mee kat sini sedap, aku pun terkial-kial nak cari tempat duduk masa baru sampai. Kedai penuh weh!

First time I sank my gigi and took a bite. Macam, Kolok Mee + Kampua Mee + Chicken Mushroom Mee = Meriah and very the merry noodles!! Quite heavy for breakfast. Chong & Low Cafe located at BDC. Same row as Klinik Kotaraya but this kopitiam is at the corner, just next to Hiang Mun Low Cafe or 'Kedai Gangster' we call it. I dunno why those BDC-ians call it Kedai Gangster. Haha.

The Spring? Narrfff!!! Welcome to the Hills, Pullman Hotel. The Hills, perggghhh exclusive sungguh namanya tapi sayang tak banyak kedai dah dibuka. The reason we came here just for the sake of the newly open Toys R Us yang telah mengorbankan banyak level-level kesabaran ibu dan bapa. The moment I paid for Gabby's Baby Alive doll accessories, they were couple of boys crying histerically on the floor just because their parents rejected their desires to buy the toys which for me some of them are ridiculously expensive.

Latest image of Gabby. Look at how tall she is now!

With Love,

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