
Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I hate to read newspaper lately. I'm dying, OK? Dying to get another baby but those so called human beings that equipped with satanic minds are dumping theirs just like that???? Civilized people don't throw away their rubbish, they recycle them. How could you dump the innocent little breathing creatures just simply like that? Masa main memang sedap, lupa Tuhan, lupa dunia. Bila dah tau perut berisi, konon-konon nak simpan. Lepas beranak sedap-sedap je letak tepi longkang, depan rumah orang, depan pintu surau. Budak-budak sekarang memang advanced. Belajar belum tentu pass tau. Those yang kat IPTS/IPTA berlagak mengalahkan officers yang dah 10 tahun bekerja. You guys are in higher learning institution, matured enough to know what a condom for. STUPID BASTARD!!

Whenever you guys are having pre-marital sex on a cheap hotel bed next time, while humping your partner, please think about the consequences - parents approval of your partner, responsibility to bear a child - milk, diapers, jobs, insurance etc etc. The 10 minutes pleasures actually can cause you suffer for the next 10 years! Think about it.

I don't have heart to throw away God's creation as cute as my kitten, Bujang. OMG.. so cute.

.... how can anyone resist to play with such cute angel? She's my 1 year plus niece, named Ashlyn. I love everything about her because she's so adorable. Look, I even can't resist to bite her fingers.

Think wisely before doing something stupid, little kids. You're not adults until you act like one.

With Love,

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