
Monday, February 15, 2010


"The biggest event of any Chinese New Year's Eve is the dinner every family will have. A dish consisting of fish will appear on the tables of Chinese families. It is for display for the New Year's Eve dinner. This meal is comparable to Christmas dinner in the West." - Wikipedia

Yes, as tradition we had our big feast at Uncle Bernard's house last Saturday. Makan punya makan till I forgot to snap the dining table, I mean the food. Maklumlah, I had my girl on my side nak layan makan bertambah-tambah (Oh, thanks to my aunty punya Rendang Daging yang always superb!) and on the other hand, my beautiful but naughty niece, si Ashlynn nak melompat-lompat terjun kaedahnya from my mother's lap. Kesian my Mom. My sis pun camtu jugak, biasalah budak -budak umur macam Ashlynn ni memang lasak sikit.

Oh, some of pictures yang I sempat snap for this entry.

Cuppa coffee lepas dinner. Thanks aunty! I love your coffee always cheering up my sleepy eyes. +_+ See my girl's in pink skirt? Her aunty Cindy yang duduk sebelah di nampak kecik walhal derang punya gap umur like 8-9 years? * Matilah bayi gergasi * haha.

Centerpiece of the table haruslah dihiasi dengan Lok Kam (Limau Mandarin) Limau Kantonis, Limau Hokkien, Limau Hakka takde ke? Hahahhaa.... gilo hapo. Anyway, we did tapau some dalam handbag. Who had the bigger bag, untunglah boleh tapau berbiji biji!

Don't disturb. This is my favourite. Haha.

The youngsters at Bluetooth Zone. Sorry, Wi Fi unavailable ya. Carik sendiri kat luar tu. (",)

Women zone. Gossiping is allowed!

Meet the men at Gambling zone. Semua tidak berguna. At the end all the wives went home, luckily they can drive so let the men taking their times till 4:00 a.m. Ish, ish, ish...

Yes. CNY's eve is all about get together, big feast and big bet - afterall. Not forgetting big ang pows and decible breaking fire crackers sound. Aaaaahhh.... I love CNY. Kong hee kong hee!


With Love,

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