
Monday, February 22, 2010


I was an athlete during my junior primary school years. Ye, aku tau aku besar tapi percayalah, this happened in 1988. Haha. I always saw this powder named 'Aiken' inside my parents' room. When I read it, it was meant for 'athlete's foot'. Oh OK, since I was an athlete konon so I grabbed the powder and kept it inside my school bag. The next morning, before PJ (Pendidikan Jasmani) I powdered both of my feet. Harapan ku ialah supaya aku dapat berlari sekencang angin ribut hahahahahhah!

Then, masa lari tu kan, I was a bit exhausted because I skipped my breakfast. I came 2nd or 3rd like that. Terus lah I menyumpah seranah, "bab* punya powder! Ingatkan dapat membantu atlit tapi menyusahkan! "

Memang pun untuk Athlete's Foot tapi bukan kaki seorang atlit, tapi ini! (Lihat gambar di bawah)

Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot[1] and tinea pedis[1]) is a fungal infection of the skin that causes scaling, flaking, and itch of affected areas. It is typically transmitted in moist areas where people walk barefoot, such as showers or bathhouses. Although the condition typically affects the feet, it can spread to other areas of the body, including the groin. Athlete's foot can be prevented by good hygiene, and is treated by a number of pharmaceutical and other treatments.

AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *maafkanlah kebodohan ku. Come on, I was only 9-10 that time!*

Kann? How stupid I was. I was actually a very curious kid and always got myself misinterpreted things. There was one time I found my daddy's treatment card. I looked at it an found that card belonged to Hospital Sentosa (Sarawak Mental Hospital, that time). Then, it gave me a thought. No wonder dad always got angry when we're naughty. Haha. Dad's got mental problem!

Matilah tuduh bapak sendiri gila, haahaha ampun pak. It happened that Sentosa Hospital was the only nearby hospital and my dad, who was still serving in Army - his camp was only located opposite the hospital. Should there be any medical problem occurred they will quickly go to that hospital. Poor my dad. Haha.

Gedebuk!! "Adoi mak." *Malunyerr!*

With Love,

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