
Monday, February 1, 2010


It's been nearly 2 months we've been living this so-called 'secret double life' (fuish! Macam James and Jane Bond pulak bunyinya) and I would say, this is the coolest thing on earth we've been doing since we're married. People don't know who we are, only the 'Cute Burger Couple' at their eyes and you know what? This is fun to do.

I still remember when I was pregnant, I worked as a Planning Assistant and my job required me to work extra hours and sometimes extended to lunch hours. Sudahlah time tu sah-sah tengah jadi Mak Buyong so it was quite stressful for me. Some of us didn't even have time to run to the nearby cafeteria for morning break. Lucky for those who dropped by the roadside to buy kuih, Nasi Lemak or Mee Jawa.

I took the opportunity to sell Nasi Lemak yes, I did for a couple of months. My business was damn good that I just sell my Nasi Lemak, by orders, not volume. I managed to get as minimum as 30 packets to be sold out daily. Oh yes, one packet descent Nasi Lemak was sold for RM1.50. The good time wasn't last long when one day, I received a complaint from one of the staff telling my friend that my Nasi Lemak's rice was cold i.e. was overnight. Come to think, I woke up at 4:00 a.m. with swelling legs and cooked the rice. I finished packing by 6:30 a.m. and rushed to take my bath. Everything was done with tenderly with these two hands. Goreng kacang, hiris timun, rebus dan kopek telur. All was done by myself.

Last week, we received many compliments for our burgers but one of the stall owners claimed that our bun is cold, i.e. unheated. I've tried all the food there and luckily I never try to eat this fellow's cuisine. Ingatkan orang-orang kita aje yang terkenal dengan sifat dengki mendengki ini. Enough said. This isn't a racist blog. I've been condemned twice by these people but it doesn't affect my brain at all. In fact, I accept it all positively and ready to upgrade ourselves and making us a better person. Positif tak ai? Aaarrr... tau takpe.
and for God's sake, why am I bothering myself doing all these?

Easy answer.

I'm quite a big spender. I don't buy expensive items like other women would do but I'm the kind of, "Oh, this is cool. I wanna have one" type. At the end of the day, I will be surprised with my special skill just by looking at the bills. (",)

Secondly, I don't want to spend $$$ to go to the gym. Budget wise, why don't I generate $$$ rather than spending but at the same time would benefit back to me? ;) OK. I mandi peluh tiap malam tau. Korang mesti muntah tengok peluh I melimpah-ruah nasib baik ada tuala kalau tak merasalah ada garam extra kat burger hahahahahah!!! Hoi! Aku tak kotor camtulah haha.

Tapi, merasalah blouse dan jaket minggu ni ada sedikit kurang keketatannya. Mana tah aku belajar istilah 'keketatan' tu pun aku tatau. Haha. Sewel.

With Love,

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