
Friday, February 26, 2010

CERITA KEDAI KOPI (Coffee Shop Gossips)

Damn. I can't sleep last night. Seriously. When I saw the time struck at 4:00 a.m., I quickly switched off my netbook. We had undergone the busking practice for the first kick, it was awesomely crazy. Will expose the event for this busking thingy. Soon OK?

It has been 2 months since we're selling burgers at Hijau. What is a good thing about Hijau is that, it reminds me of PV, Damai. OK. 90's clubbers, still remember Pee Vee @ PV? OMG, that's the coolest place/club after Jupiter back during my college years. Damn happening. Piccadilly? Barzing?? Narrfff.. there are nothing compared to those clubs in the 90's. Still remember Hilton's Peppers? Gosh, those were the dayz. The best place to sip beers in the greenery lush rainforest kind of ambience. PV somehow resembles Hijau. Only without live band. Can have beers some more, holla!

- Big, succulent, juicy. We use full cheese, unlike other stalls that would cut the cheese into two pieces.

Back to the burger selling stories. Initially, I felt so exhausted that I was unable to wake up the next morning, my body would cry in ache and pain all over the next morning. Eventually, my body had somehow compromised with the biological clock and stuff. I am loving it now. No matter how stress I am, being pulled and pushed in the office, selling burgers actually is giving me some kind of therapy, tension releasing which I love so much.

While cooking the meat patty, I sometimes overhear some interesting topics, to be precise - people gossiping! Haha. There's one time, a group of boys were condemning this particular local indie band which happens to be our friend. I just smiled at my husband and my band members.

There is this big guy who always talks big - YALAH. HIS FATHER OWNS ONE OF LEADING CAR SELLING COMPANY OR WHATEVER LAH KAN.. Out of 100%, 99.9% of his words would say dirty cursing words like 'puss*, fu*ck, sh*t'. Hahaha! Iban guy some more but never speaks any single Iban's word. How do that I know that he's Iban? Kantoi maaaa... maybe his dad called him so I overheard something like that he would go home a bit late.

There's a boy also who loves to disturb us - his mom is selling there but I don't want to reveal his name. He loves to bite his fingernails, which is so disturbing to see. Whenever he bites his nails he will spit like 'pooff!' and the reason why I hate it, he has epilepsy. You know his saliva, sorry I don't mean to be rude, so everytime I see him biting his nails I will scream at him like this, "Yieewww!! Don't bite your nails. So dirty!" He would run away from me after that.

Ok. Our most supporting customers are this group of 4-Wheelers. They can stand to drink beers and play Poker until 3 a.m. Normally this group will get us to close earlier with sweet collections you know what I mean right? They will eat and play Poker all night long.

I'm glad that I am not shame with what I'm doing and some more, I have a special table next to our stall which is always full with friends and family members, almost every night. Thanks guys. OK.

Lastly, please follow us at Facebook. We have now amazingly collected 162 fans. Wow!

With Love,

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