
Saturday, February 27, 2010


What a day I’ve gone through today. No. I’m not talking about bad omen or what but hell yeah, it’s very hot today. Could feel myself melted slowly on the couch and doze off. I didn’t want to join Gabby surfing the net as usual in the mini office and enjoyingt the air-cond. I would rather watched the TV and caressed my cat, Bujang. Woke up at 6:00 p.m. and got myself dressed before heading to our burger’s stall. So, it’s a normal thing after CNY the comes CGM (Chap Goh Meh) and the hot season will follow after. Oh, how was I craving for ABC, a can of Coke, Neapolitan Ice Cream sandwiched between two fat slices of Taka’s Bakery bread. Haha. I predicted that many people will come out and have their dinner outside tonight.

Yummy. I want you, can anot?

My prediction didn’t go wrong. The moment we arrived at Hijau, the place was flocked with cars. A good sign. A good sign, I told myself. Mork, Ray and Max came tonight. So did Kevin, altogether with his wife, Sandera and little Marcella Jane.

We only went home after midnite. Gabby woke up and thought that we were going out again. Haha. She might have heard us opening the door and storing the business stuff. Can’t wait for tomorrow. Going to do some marketing, not selling things but buying some things to cook for dinner. Oh, tomorrow will be celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary. People, I’ve been married for 10 smooth years. Thanks to Lord Jesus for this. Will blog about it another day. Cooking is something that I rarely do lately besides cooking the burgers patties. Can it be considered cooking? Yes for the customers but no for the family. Hehe.

Want to share something here. Thanks to Max who gave me a tip to boost up my broadband’s signal. Maybe Puteri would laugh at me by reading this. Want to try? Get a stainless steel cup or pot. Make sure the cable is long enough for you to place the dongle inside the cup. At home, the signal is normally between one and two bars, since I’ve tried Max’s tip, it is now working perfectly at 3 bars and if I hit the luck or maybe the luck hits me, I will get the four bars, fully working.

Presently, am downloading the Final Destination 4. Uncensored. Damn cool. Yay!

With Love,

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