
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tie Thoughts

A lot of things I don't notice. But one thing I do is how a man ties his tie. Most well known politicians tie a very good tie. They tie a full windsor knot.

Some famous politicians prefer to go with a half windsor knot. However, that knot is traditionally regarded as less preferred (is that polite enough?).

When you see a full windsor knot next to a half windsor, the difference is striking.

President Reagan was one of the best dressed Presidents in history.

Here he is with his Vice President, George Bush.

Johnny Carson always tied his tie in a full windsor knot.

So did his well dressed side kick, Ed McMahon.

David Letterman always wears a full windsor knotted tie.

He even looks good on a motorcycle.

Some people will tell you it depends on the shirt collar as to which knot you should tie your tie in. Don't believe them. A full windsor knot is the ONLY knot to use for a tie.

And while we're at all, don't ever put anything like a tie tack or a chain across your tie. That looks, uh, tacky.

If you are a man reading this and you don't know how to tie a full windsor knot, learn. If you are a woman and your husband or son is running around with a half windsor tie, talk to him. He won't listen but that's another story!

Thanks for stopping by.

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