
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

30 Reasons I Love My Wife

One for each year we've been married:

30. She giggles if I even think about tickling her

29. She has cute toes

28. She cooks things that I like to eat, even if she doesn't

27. She's a really great photographer but gives God the credit

26. She's very wise with how we use our resources

25. She's a sharp dresser with her own unique style

24. She's an awesome interior decorator

23. She laughs at my jokes (most of the time)

22. She listens to me even when I'm boring

21. She's slowly becoming a gadget/techno freak….too!

20. She likes to travel with me

19. She had taught herself to play piano and plays it well

18. She writes the most awesome songs to the Lord

17. She really knows how to get me choked up with a card or letter

16. She works hard to take care of herself

15. She works hard to take care of our home

14. She buys really cool shoes

13. She shops frugally for her clothes but gets awesome stuff!

12. She puts up with my model cars being scattered around

11. She loves me enough to go to a car show with me

10. She is extremely loyal and totally committed to her friends

9. She truly loves our children and looks for the best in each of them

8. She's an amazing woman and an awesome wife

7. She has supported me in my career choices, even the questionable ones

6. She has always been totally honest and totally transparent with me

5. She has sacrificed greatly and joyfully in raising our children

4. She has one of the most tender hearts I've ever seen

3. She is on fire for the Word of God

2. She loves me desperately

1. She loves God even more

Our love is 30 years old. It's just getting to the good part!

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