
Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Yellow wellow vanakaam??? Hahahhaa.. Ignore that. I'm having Monday blues, meroyan hari Senin kata urang tek nak. So mothers united out there, how was your Mother's Day celebration? We had twice, errmmm.. thrice actually and all taken places at different places, with different faces.

Starting from Saturday, we met up Loly and Mork at Sanga Japanese Food at Padungan. Would you like to know where this restaurant is located well, do you know AVON's Padungan that is opposite to Pizza Hut. See the signboard for alertness but ignore the font that I put there, it was for fun.

The cutlery. Some chopsticks, saucers and Japanese soy sauce.

My special order. Chicken Teriyaki with rice set. Yum yum..

This is highlight of the night. We combined our mixed sushi! They are all bloody damn good! We departed at 8:00 something because we had to rush for Akademi Fantasia 7! :p Damn fanatic! Oh yes, combined bill was RM82.50. Cheap ain't it? We actually ate more than what those pictures portrayed that night.

The next morning......

*knock knock at the bedroom door.

I woke up and saw Gabby at the door, she hugged me and wished me, "Happy Mother's Day, Mama. Here is my card for you".

Her card. Auuuwww..sho shwwweeettt....

Yes, eventho there was no breakfast on bed .... the weather was damn hot but we managed to indulge ourselves having Mother's Day hi-tea at C121. I had Friend Kueh Tiaw and altogether we had the best dim sum dishes ever!

My all time favourite. Char Kuey Tiaw. This one without fried egg on top. I wanted fried egg. *sigh

Sugarcane juice. Whoaaa! The best thirst quencher during hot hot season. 2 glasses for each person. ????? Attention. We are not elephants eventhough we are categorized as jumbo size. We were just damn thirsty.

Giggling. I didn't know what was so funny that Gabby's giggles lasted for nearly two hours after eating the dim sum. Hah?? 6 were not enough? *LOL*

Sorry readers. The dim sum were so good that I forgot to take their pictures. Sorry again. Hahaha...

Oh yes, later in the evening. Went to Grandma's house next door because we have Mother's Day small party for the mothers! The celebrities of the nights were grandma, MIL, hubby's cousin and myself. We had chocolate cake, very thick and sinful American Chocolate cake. Yah, there were some Lychee drinks, bananas, tapioca steamed kuihs and BBQ.

Anyway, I had a jolly good Mother's Day celebration with my loved ones, family and friends and they mean a whole world to me. Thanks guys. I love you so much!

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