
Sunday, May 24, 2009


It all happened in 2007.

Thanks to Elfyna, my colleague who exposed this story to me. This is a true story happened in Bali, Indonesia. From my reading and findings on the internet, there are many versions of it. The famous version is about a girl, named Ega @ Geby who was in her high school years. She had a boyfriend who loved illegal racing and involved in a fatal accident one day. She couldn't accept the fact that she was losing the person that she loved the most.

One day, she performed this song at school's concert and hung herself at the school's store room. Her body was found by the security guard and in her pocket they found a short note, she was asking for apologies for not being strong enough to accept the fate. There are rumours saying, too, every time after this song being played, one will able to see the ghost of Ega. Eeeeeiiiiii!!

Seriously, I love the song after hearing it for my very first time. Found the chords on the net, I grabbed my mic and tried to sing it accordingly. Here is my raw voice. Sorry if I sound nasal. Haha! I tried it just for fun.

Anyone who can read Indonesian language, you may find the various versions here.

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